********************GradStudentPositions******************** PhD position in Quiescent cell Variability We invite applications for a PhD position within the project "The influence of ecological factors on the quiescent state: from the characteristics of individual eukaryotic cells to population dynamics", funded by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) OPUS grant.  About the Project Background information:  Quiescence is a fundamental, but poorly understood cellular state crucial for survival for all eukaryotes. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) serves as a model organism to study quiescence, providing insights into cellular aging, stress resistance, and microbial population dynamics. Understanding the genetic and ecological determinants of quiescent cell evolvability has broad implications for medicine, biotechnology, and science of ageing. Whitin a project we focus on  questions that remain unanswered: How do environmental factors (e.g., nutrient availability, exometabolome presence, and population density) influence quiescent cells phenotype heterogeneity in yeast populations? What are the genetic underpinnings of quiescence variability, and how do mutations shape adaptation to long-term starvation? How do evolutionary trade-offs affect the survival and regrowth dynamics of variable quiescent populations? How does quiescence influence antifungal resistance, and can different quiescence cell types exhibit bet-hedging strategies? About the Position  The successful candidate will perform experimental evolution of yeast populations under controlled starvation regimes and identify mutations driving quiescence-related adaptations using whole genome sequencing (WGS). The project will involve phenotypic characterization of quiescent cells through flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, and microfluidics techniques, alongside analyses of population-level survival, regrowth dynamics, and evolutionary trade-offs. There will be opportunities to apply mathematical modeling to investigate density-dependent effects on quiescent populations and to collaborate with international research groups for advanced microscopy and microfluidics training. The PhD student will gain extensive experience in experimental evolution, microbial phenotyping, and genomic analysis, developing a strong skill set in microbiology, evolutionary biology, and quantitative data analysis. Host Institution & Location The PhD student will be based at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland - one of the leading research institutes in Ecology and Evolution in Central Europe (www.eko.uj.edu.pl/en_GB). Kraków is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene (European City of Culture 2000), hosting over 100 festivals and numerous cultural events annually. The city offers modern museums, theaters, cinemas, restaurants, and excellent access to outdoor activities such as hiking and biking. It is also well-connected to other European cities. Founding & Salary The position is funded for 48 months, offering a tax-free stipend of approximately 8,000 PLN (~1,900 EUR, around 130% of the average net salary in Poland). The stipend will increase by about 40% after a successful mid-term evaluation (after the second year). To estimate living costs in Kraków, applicants can use tools such as Numbeo (www.numbeo.com). Requirements The successful candidate will hold (or expect to hold by July 2025) a Master's degree in Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Evolutionary Biology or a related field. We are looking for candidates with: -    A strong interest in microbiology, evolution and molecular biology -    Experience or interest in learning to work with microbial systems and culture techniques, and basic bioinformatics and molecular techniques -    Good analytical skills -    Fluency in English (written and spoken), good communication and organisational skills -    Open to international collaboration and research visits abroad Application Process To apply, please send: -     A cover letter explaining your background, skills, and motivation for this position -     A CV -     Contact details of at least one academic reference willing to provide a recommendation. Applications and informal inquiries should be sent to dr hab. Dominika W³och-Salamon, Prof. UJ (dominika.wloch-salamon@uj.edu.pl). Deadline & Selection Process Review of applications is ongoing. To ensure full consideration, please apply by 28th April 2025. The selected candidate will receive assistance with the formal application to the PhD school at Jagiellonian University, with entrance exams scheduled for early July 2025. The PhD position starts on 1st October 2025. We look forward to receiving your application! dr hab. Dominika W³och-Salamon prof. UJ Instytut Nauk o Œrodowisku/ Institute of Environmental Sciences Wydzia³ Biologii/Faculty of Biology Uniwersytet Jagielloñski/Jagiellonian University + 48 12 664-51-35 ul. Gronostajowa 7; 30-387 Kraków ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-1838 "Always in motion is the future." Yoda I may write email during weekends or outside work hours. In such case, do not feel obliged to reply immediately, and get back to me whenever it is convenient for you. Dominika W³och-Salamon (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************Jobs******************** Open position: Part time administrative coordinator (20-30 hours/week), special research program (SFB) on polygenic adaptation (Univ. of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna) We are searching for a communicative and independent person, who has very strong management skills, and enjoys working in an international environment. The SFB (https://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/sfb-polygenic-adaptation) is a joint research program with 8 faculties from 4 participating institutions: Vetmeduni, Gregor Mendel Institute, ISTA, and University of Vienna. The coordinator is responsible for the internal and external communications of the SFB. The coordinator position is based at the Institute of Population Genetics at Vetmeduni (https://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/en/population-genetics ) and embedded in the evolutionary research community in Vienna (http://www.evolvienna.at ). Requirements: - Fluent in German and English. - PhD in one of the following disciplines: Life sciences, statistics, informatics; previous experience with population genetics is a bonus. Duties: - Coordinate recruitment of postdocs and PhD students. - Provide administrative support to the SFB faculty and early-stage researchers including postdocs and PhD students (visa and residence permits, local registration in Vienna and registration in PhD programs, housing, relocation support, health related issues), in particular for non-German speakers. - Plan and coordinate the training activities, workshops and meetings including bimonthly meetings, weekly journal clubs, and the visits of invited seminar speakers and scientific advisory board (SAB). - Organize social events for the members of the SFB. - Manage interaction with the administration of the participating institutions. - Maintain and update the SFB website. - Provide help in the financial management of the SFB, writing annual reports, and securing further funding. - Manage the international networking with other institutions operating similar training programs. - Organizing the outreach program (to the general public and to the scientific community) and public relations activities including press releases about publications of the SFB. What we offer: The successful applicant will receive a postdoctoral salary (gross euro 4,932 for 40h contracts including health benefits, contribution to pension funds etc.) according to the FWF rules (https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/research-funding/personnel-costs/#c6541). The position is available from 1.5.2025. The initial contract is for one year, but can be extended up to 6 years. How to apply: Your application should contain a one-page cover letter, a one-page motivation letter, CV, and the names and contact details of 3 references, in one single PDF file. Applications should be sent to Christian Schloetterer: christian.schloetterer@vetmeduni.ac.at The deadline for application is 14.3.2025 and the search continues until the position is filled. Christian Schlötterer Institut für Populationsgenetik Vetmeduni Vienna Veterinärplatz 1 1210 Wien Austria/Europe Zoom: https://bokuvienna.zoom.us/j/99886139039?pwd=dnZXUHZlK2dkWVBxU1NXQ2NCRXhwUT09 phone: +43-1-25077-4300 fax: +43-1-25077-4390 http://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/en/population-genetics/ Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics http://www.popgen-vienna.at Christian Schlötterer (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************Other******************** Dear friends, It's that time of year again! Voting is opens today for international Mollusc of the Year There are five finalists, the winner is decided by a popular vote - We have five amazing molluscs who are all deserving winners for 2025 Arctica islandica - a.k.a. world's oldest mollusc Cellana exarata - 'opihi makaiauli / Hawaiian black-foot limpet Glaucus atlanticus - the blue dragon Muusoctopus sp. - the Dorado Octopus Xenophora conchyliophora - a mollusc who is itself a shell collector YOU decide the champion, and we sequence its genome. Vote now, and tell your friends and family! (and also any journalists you happen to know!) Read more and vote here: https://moty.senckenberg.science Voting ends 31 March Cheers, Julia Sigwart & Carola Greve Prof. Dr. Julia Sigwart Head of Section, Malacology Senckenberg Research Institute and Museum, Frankfurt, Germany julia.sigwart@senckenberg.de You could… Watch how species get named - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn7kUDRVcVM Subscribe to the Senckenberg Ocean Species Alliance - http://sosa.senckenberg.de Join the Molluscalist community - https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/subscribe/molluscalist Download my book "What Species Mean" - http://bit.ly/whatspeciesmean bit.ly/SMFMalacology | @sigwartae Julia Sigwart (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************PostDocs******************** Post-doctoral position ??? University of California, Berkeley ??? Human Evolutionary Genetics. Description: The Moorjani Lab (https://moorjanilab.org/) at the University of California, Berkeley develops and applies statistical methods to genetic data from present-day and ancient individuals to learn about human demographic history and its impact on disease and adaptation. We are interesting in learning about human germline mutation rate, demographic inference and archaic ancestry. Some ongoing projects include:(1) uncovering the determinants of human germline mutation rate, (2) characterizing major population events in human evolution, such as gene flow, bottlenecks and expansions, and (3) identifying genetic variants linked to environmental adaptations and human diseases. The research in the lab involves both development of new methods and large-scale genomic data analysis. Responsibilities: A successful candidate will develop and apply computational approaches to large genomic datasets to characterize patterns of population history and evolution. The main responsibilities include conducting research, attending regular lab meetings and journal clubs, and preparing research results for publication and presentations at scientific meetings. Opportunities may also exist for mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Required qualifications: Ph.D. or equivalent in genetics, genomics, computational biology or related fields and demonstrated record of productivity and publications. Experience with programming (e.g. C/C++, Python/ Perl, R or other programming languages), genomic data analysis and methods development. Please contact Priya with your CV and a brief overview of research questions you are interested in pursuing. Please also request three recommenders to send a letter of reference on your behalf. Salary: This is a multi-year postdoctoral position (initial appointment is for 12 months and renewable annually up to three more years). Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Contact: Priya Moorjani Assistant Professor Department of Molecular and Cell Biology Center for Computational Biology https://moorjanilab.org/ Email: moorjani@berkeley.edu Priya G Moorjani (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************PostDocs******************** Postdoctoral Fellow Position - Deer Epigenetics We are recruiting a fully-funded PDF to study the epigenomics of white-tailed deer and mule deer. The PDF will take advantage of hundreds of mule deer samples to build epigenetic clocks and study variation in mule deer aging. Disease status and phenotypic data are also available for 100s of white-tailed deer and mule deer. The PDF will have the flexibility to adapt the project to their interests and the opportunity to collaborate and work with our partners in Wyoming. Location: The PDF will join the lab group of Aaron Shafer at Trent University in Peterborough, ON, and will have access to networking and training opportunities through both Trent and the project leads with the Wyoming Fish and Game Department. Qualifications and Eligibility: The successful candidate must have PhD in Biology or a related discipline. The ideal candidate will have experience with genomic data, bioinformatics, or data-analytics. Applicants should have strong written and oral communication skills, and experience using R to analyse data. Experience using high performance computing would be considered an asset. Salary: The applicant will receive 60K CAD per year + vacation + non-discretional benefits. One year of funding is guaranteed plus one year renewal upon satisfactory progress. A third year of funding can be discussed. To Apply: Please send the following to Prof. Aaron Shafer (aaronshafer [at] trentu.ca): A statement outlining research interests, career goals, and how your previous experience and training relates to this project. 1. Your c.v. 2. Contact information for two references Deadline to apply: April 1st or until filled Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Start Date: Summer / Fall 2025 (flexible) Aaron B.A. Shafer Associate Professor Trent University Peterborough, Ontario Canada, K9J 7B8 http://www.aaronshafer.ca (He / him; learn more ) Department of Forensic Science - Chair Environmental & Life Sciences Graduate Program Applied Modelling & Quantitative Methods Graduate Program Aaron Shafer (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************PostDocs******************** Polygenic adaptation: a postdoctoral position is available at the Institute of Population Genetics, Vetmeduni Vienna ( https://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/en/population-genetics/). The research focus of the Institute of Population Genetics is on understanding the genetics of adaptation. This central question in evolutionary biology is being tackled using up-to-date methods and a variety of approaches, including experimental evolution, quantitative genetics, functional genetics, empirical population genetics, bioinformatics and statistics. In addition to a high quality of living, Vienna offers an outstanding community of evolutionary biologists (https://www.univie.ac.at/evolvienna/). The position is associated with a research priority program on polygenic adaptation uniting a unique cluster of scientists with a keen interest to understand polygenic adaptation (e.g.: N. Barghi, N. Barton, R. Bürger, J. Hermisson, R. Kofler, M. Nordborg, H. Sachdeva and K. Swarts). Adaptation to new environments is frequently driven by traits with a polygenetic basis. Nevertheless, the characterization of the adaptive architecture, in particular in natural populations, is challenging. The contribution of individual loci to the phenotypic changes associated with adaptation to new environmental conditions is so small that their identification and functional characterization is frequently not possible. The successful candidate will join a team of scientists taking advantage of experimental evolution to study the adaptive architecture of temperature adaptation - a highly polygenic trait. Manipulating the genetic composition of a series of founder populations provides an unmatched opportunity to study polygenic adaptation in *Drosophila*. We are using a combination of genomic analyses with high throughput molecular phenotyping (RNA-Seq, metabolomics, proteomics) and targeted high-level phenotypes (e.g. behavior) to study these experimental populations. The goal is to understand polygenic adaptation in the context of the underlying functional variation and use this information to predict adaptive responses in the laboratory and natural populations. We are looking for a candidate with a background in quantitative genetics and experience in handling large data sets. A solid background in population genetics and statistics will be further assets. The successful applicant will be supported by technicians for the collection of phenotypic data and the maintenance of experimental populations. The position is available for 30 starting June 2025, but the exact starting date is negotiable. The application should be emailed to as a single pdf containing CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and the names of three references with contact details. While the search will continue until the position is filled, applications should be received by 2.4.2025 to ensure full consideration. Background on our experimental system: 1. Barghi N, Tobler R, Nolte V, Jaksic AM, Mallard F, Otte KA, et al. Genetic redundancy fuels polygenic adaptation in *Drosophila*. PLoS biology. 2019;17(2):e3000128. Epub 2019/02/05. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000128. PubMed PMID: 30716062. 2. Barghi N, Hermisson J, Schlötterer C. Polygenic adaptation: a unifying framework to understand positive selection. Nature reviews Genetics. 2020;21(12):769-81. Epub 2020/07/01. doi: 10.1038/s41576-020-0250-z. PubMed PMID: 32601318. 3. Barghi N, Schlötterer C. Distinct patterns of selective sweep and polygenic adaptation in evolve and re-sequence studies. Genome biology and evolution. 2020. Epub 2020/04/14. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evaa073. PubMed PMID: 32282913. 4. Burny C, Nolte V, Dolezal M, Schlötterer C. Genome-wide selection signatures reveal widespread synergistic effects of two different stressors in *Drosophila melanogaster*. Proceedings Biological sciences / The Royal Society. 2022;289(1985):20221857. Epub 2022/10/20. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2022.1857. PubMed PMID: 36259211; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC9579754. 5. Christodoulaki E, Nolte V, Lai WY, Schlötterer C. Natural variation in Drosophila shows weak pleiotropic effects. Genome biology. 2022;23(1):116. Epub 20220516. doi: 10.1186/s13059-022-02680-4. PubMed PMID: 35578368; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC9109288. 6. Lai WY, Otte KA, Schlötterer C. Evolution of Metabolome and Transcriptome Supports a Hierarchical Organization of Adaptive Traits. Genome biology and evolution. 2023;15(6). doi: 10.1093/gbe/evad098. PubMed PMID: 37232360; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC10246829. 7. Thorhölludottir DAV, Nolte V, Schlötterer C. Temperature-driven gene expression evolution in natural and laboratory populations highlights the crucial role of correlated fitness effects for polygenic adaptation. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution. 2023;77(9):2081-9. doi: 10.1093/evolut/qpad132. PubMed PMID: 37455661. 8. Lai WY, Nolte V, Jak¹iæ AM, Schlötterer C. Evolution of Phenotypic Variance Provides Insights into the Genetic Basis of Adaptation. Genome biology and evolution. 2024;16(4). doi: 10.1093/gbe/evae077. PubMed PMID: 38620076; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC11057206. Christian Schlötterer Institut für Populationsgenetik Vetmeduni Vienna Veterinärplatz 1 1210 Wien Austria/Europe Zoom: https://bokuvienna.zoom.us/j/99886139039?pwd=dnZXUHZlK2dkWVBxU1NXQ2NCRXhwUT09 phone: +43-1-25077-4300 fax: +43-1-25077-4390 http://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/en/population-genetics/ Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics http://www.popgen-vienna.at Christian Schlötterer (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************WorkshopsCourses******************** In case you missed it the first time, we are happy to announce the second edition of our Evolutionary Rescue workshop series at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plon, Germany. In 2023 we organised a workshop on Mathematical models of evolutionary rescue. In this second edition we now aim to bring modelers and experimentalists together to discuss (1) which theoretical insights should be tested experimentally and how this could be done, (2) which experimental observations could be clarified with the help of theoretical models, and (3) which open questions could be addressed by the co-development of models and experiments. In addition to invited and contributed talks and posters there will be discussion sessions designed to increase cross-talk between theory and experiments. Invited speakers: Helen Alexander, Lutz Becks, Robert D Holt, Laure Olazcuaga, Jitka Polechova. The workshop will take place from June 30 (evening) to July 3. Before the workshop (June 29-30) we are offering a "pre-school" for those who would like to obtain an introduction to modeling evolutionary rescue. Registration is open until March 15. We hope that all participants present a talk or poster but it is not mandatory. Registration is free. For more information see https://workshops.evolbio.mpg.de/event/128/. Matt Osmond and Hildegard Uecker Matthew Osmond (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************Conferences******************** Dear Colleagues, This our last call for abstract submission to the first edition of the Mértola Evolution Conferences(MECs) on "Speciation: from field studies to genomics" Dear Colleagues, This our last call for abstract submission to the first edition of the Mértola Evolution Conferencs(MECs) on "Speciation: from field studies to genomics"! Deadline: 10th of March! The first edition of Mértola Evolution Conferencs (MECs), which will occur in the Spring at the beautiful historical town of Mértola, Southern Portugal. Mértola Conferences aim to bring researchers and students from all over the world to discuss cutting-edge studies in biology focusing on evolution (each year a specific topic), fostering new ideas and collaborations. Mértola Conferences are promoted by EBM - Biological Station of Mértola, in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences and CIBIO-BIOPOLIS from the University of Porto, and other national and international institutions. Mértola is located in the Southeast Alentejo region of Portugal, near the Spanish border, crossed by the Guadiana river and in the center of the Natural Park of Guadiana Valley. It is a biodiversity hotspot - a prime Mediterranean ecosystem. The antiquity of Mértola is attested by the many archaeological remains that prove the continuous human occupation of this territory. The first traces of human presence date back to the Neolithic period, five thousand years ago, with different civilizations, like Iberians, Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians represented. More information here . The MEC 2025 edition, entitled "Speciation: from field studies to genomics", is focused on speciation research, where we revisit the earliest studied systems and come back to look at new genomic data with Charles Darwin's eyes. MEC 2025 is pleased to announce prominent speakers in evolutionary biology: Peter Grant (Princeton University, USA); Rosemary Grant (Princeton University, USA); Leif Andersson (Uppsala University, Sweden), Joana Meier (University of Cambridge, UK), Roger Butlin (University of Sheffield, UK), Rui Faria (CIBIO/BIOPOLIS, University of Porto), Jeremy Searle (Cornell University, USA, FCUP & EBM) and Rikard Holmdahl (Karolinska Institute, Sweden), among others participants. PROGRAM DAY 1, 5th of April Chair: Jeremy Seale 9:30-10:00 - Welcome Coffee and Cakes 10:00-10:30 - Opening Ceremony 10:30-11:45 - Rosemary Grant: "Speciation and Hybridization in Darwin's Finches" 11:45-13:00 - Peter Grant: "Speciation: from Microcosm to Macrocosm" 13:00-14:30 - Lunch 14:30-15:30 - Leif Andersson: "Atlantic herring - an adaptive radiation with incomplete reproductive isolation" 15:30-16:00 - 2 Short contributed talks (12+3 min) 16:00-16:30 - Coffee Break 16:30-18:00 - 6 Short contributed talks (12+3 min) 19:00 - Dinner DAY 2, 6th of April Chair: Leif Andersson 09:30-10:30 - Joana Meier: "The roles of hybridisation and chromosomal rearrangements in rapid adaptive radiations" 10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break 11:00-12:00 - Rui Faria: "The role of chromosomal inversions in Littorina adaptation and speciation" 12:00-13:30 - Lunch 13:30-14:30 - Roger Butlin: "Hybrid zones and reproductive isolation" 14:30-15:00 - Jeremy Searle: "Despeciation" 15:00-15:30 - Coffee Break 15:30-16.00 - Rikard Holmdahl: "Why we became humans" 16:00-17.00 - Discussion of key topics in speciation 17:00 - Close of Conference 17:30-19:00 - Free time to visit Mértola ORGANIZATION Leif Andersson, Uppsala University Miguel Carneiro , CIBIO-BIOPOLIS Rui Faria , CIBIO-BIOPOLIS Paulo Célio Alves , FCUP, CIBIO-BIOPOLIS & EBM Jeremy Searle, Cornell University, FCUP & EBM Important information Webpage: https://www.cibio.up.pt/en/events/mertola-evolution-conferences-2025-edition-speciation-from-field-studies-to-genomics/ Venue and date: Cineteatro de Mértola, April 5th and 6th, 2025 Abstract submission deadline: 10 of March 2025 Registration deadline: 20 of March 2025 Registration and abstract submission: Among the submitted abstracts, only 8 will be selected for a short oral presentation. For registration and abstract submission, please fill this form: https://forms.gle/fqk8EdBT1f13XM2M9 Fees: 50 euro (students) | 100 euro (other participants). Participation is free of charge for BIODIV Students (M BGE & PhD) & CIBIO's TwinLabs (If applicable, payment will be made to Associação BIOPOLIS - VAT No. 516033727). We look forward to welcoming you at Mértola! Please, spread the word among your colleagues. Rui Faria, PhD 1. Researcher and SEAGEN Group Leader CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, InBIO Laboratório Associado BIOPOLIS Program in Genomics, Biodiversity and Land Planning Campus de Vairão Rua Padre Armando Quintas, nº 7 4485-661, Vairão, Portugal 2. Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Biology Faculty of Sciences at the University of Porto, Rua Campo Alegre s/n 4169-007, Porto, Portugal Webpages: Littorina Research Community https://rmigueldefaria.wixsite.com/farialab-1 Rui Faria (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)