********************Jobs******************** The Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences (IVES) at the University of Liverpool has developed a new policy where successful applicants for long-term fellowships schemes (that last 5yrs or more) are provided a defined pathway to a permanent faculty position at the end of their fellowship. We are keen to recruit to our permanent staff through this pathway across a range of disciplines, including evolutionary biology. We would anticipate that applicants would be applying to fellowships schemes from funders such as the Royal Society, NERC, Wellcome, MRC, and UKRI. Evolutionary biology within IVES is concentrated in (though not limited to) The Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour. The department has a vibrant research environment, with 29 faculty staff and senior fellows leading groups working on topics that include adaptation to environmental change, ecology and evolution of host-microbe interactions, evolutionary genomics, social behaviour, life-history and sexual selection. See more info on the current staff and their interests here: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/infection-veterinary-and-ecological-sciences/staff/evolution-ecology-and-behaviour The University of Liverpool hosts state-of-the-art facilities: the Centre for Genomics, one of the largest facilities in the UK, alongside the Centre for Proteome Research, and Computational Biology Facility make Liverpool an 'omic powerhouse. The University hosts control temperature facilities for insect and plant research, small mammal facilities, and molecular labs. We are part of NERC, BBSRC and MRC doctoral training programmes, offering many opportunities for PhD student recruitment. Please make initial enquiries to Stuart Wigby, the IVES Fellowship Lead, via email: ives.fellowships@liverpool.ac.uk. We typically ask for a CV (and ideally Google Scholar profile), an idea of which fellowship scheme(s) that you are interested in, and 1 page research project outline. "Wigby, Stuart" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************Jobs******************** Stellenausschreibung Ref. #04-24002 Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN) wurde 1817 gegruendet und zählt zu den wichtigsten Forschungseinrichtungen rund um die biologische Vielfalt. An den zwölf Standorten in ganz Deutschland betreiben Wissenschaftler*innen aus ueber 40 Nationen modernste Forschung auf internationaler Ebene. Am Standort Gelnhausen befindet sich das renommierte Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut in einer Barbarossastadt mit historischem Charme im Frankfurter Umland. Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung mit Hauptsitz in Frankfurt am Main sucht zum 01.11.2024 zur Verstärkung des Laborteams am Standort Gelnhausen eine*n Technische/r Assistent*in (m/w/d) fuer Molekularbiologie (Vollzeit / vollzeitnahe Teilzeit) Am Zentrum für Wildtiergenetik an unserem Standort Gelnhausen werden genetische Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Monitorings von Wildtierbeständen durchgeführt. Insbesondere bedrohte und sich wieder ausbreitende Säugetiere wie Wolf, Luchs und Wildkatze stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Das Erstellen genetischer Profile, v.a. auf Basis von Umweltproben, erlaubt die Rekonstruktion von Besiedlungsmustern und Abschätzungen von Bestandsgrößen. Aufgaben * Durchführung molekularbiologischer Laborarbeiten, wie DNAExtraktion, PCR, DNASequenzierung und SNPArrays * Bearbeitung besonders kontaminationsempfindlicher Umweltproben, wie Haare, Kot und Speichelspuren von Wildtieren * Dokumentation der Laborprozesse und Experimente in elektronischen Labordatenbank-Systemen * Unterstützung bei der allgemeinen Laborinstandhaltung und der Pflege von Probenarchiven * Mitarbeit bei der Entwicklung neuer Labormethoden und Unterstützung von aktuellen Forschungsprojekten Qualifikationen * Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung als Biologisch /Technische*r Assistent*in oder einer vergleichbaren Qualifikation * Praktische Erfahrung in der Durchführung molekularbiologischer Methoden * Sorgfältige, strukturierte und gewissenhafte Arbeitsweise * Zuverlässigkeit und Freude an der Arbeit im Team * Ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität, Einsatzbereitschaft und Belastbarkeit * Sicherer Umgang mit MSOffice * Gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift * Interesse an Themen in den Bereichen Wildtierkunde und Artenschutz Wir bieten * eine attraktive und herausfordernde Tätigkeit in einer weltweit anerkannten Forschungseinrichtung * selbstständiges Handeln in einem internationalen, motivierten und professionellen Umfeld * flexible Arbeitszeiten - Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung oder bei der Pflege von Familienangehörigen (zertifiziert durch das "audit berufundfamilie") - einen Dienstausweis in Verbindung mit kostenfreiem Eintritt in zahlreiche eine tarifliche Jahressonderzahlung - tariflichen Urlaubsanspruch - betriebliche Altersvorsorge Ort: Gelnhausen Beschaeftigungsumfang: Vollzeit (40 Stunden/Woche); vollzeitnahe Teilzeit (mind. 75%) Vertragsart: zunächst befristet für 2 Jahre mit anschließender Option auf Entfristung Verguetung: voraussichtlich nach Entgeltgruppe 7 TV H Senckenberg engagiert sich für Vielfalt. Wir profitieren von den unterschiedlichen Expertisen, Perspektiven und Persönlichkeiten unserer Mitarbeiter*innen und freuen uns über jede Bewerbung qualifizierter Kandidat*innen, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht oder geschlechtlicher Identität, ethnischer oder kultureller Herkunft, Religion und Weltanschauung, sexueller Orientierung und Identität oder Behinderung. Bewerber*innen mit einer Schwerbehinderung werden bei gleicher Eignung besonders berücksichtigt. Senckenberg unterstützt aktiv die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie und legt großen Wert auf eine gleichberechtigte und inklusive Kultur der Zusammenarbeit. Sie möchten sich bewerben? Dann senden Sie uns Ihre vollstaendigen und aussagekraeftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Ausbildungs- und Arbeitszeugnisse) in elektronischer Form (als zusammenhaengende PDF Datei) bitte unter Angabe der Referenznummer: #04-24002 bis zum 31.07.2024 an recruiting@senckenberg.de oder bewerben Sie sich direkt auf unserer Homepage über das Online Bewerbungsformular. Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Senckenberganlage 25 60325 Frankfurt a.M. E-Mail: recruiting@senckenberg.de Fuer fachliche Rueckfragen zur Stelle steht Ihnen Herr Dr. Carsten Nowak unter carsten.nowak@senckenberg.de sehr gerne zur Verfuegung. Weitere Informationen über die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung finden Sie unter www.senckenberg.de. ----- Job Posting Ref. #04-24002 About Us Founded in 1817, S is one of the most important research institutions focusing on biodiversity. At twelve locations across Germany, scientists from over 40 nations conduct cutting-edge research at an international level. The renowned S is located in Gelnhausen, a Barbarossa town with historical charm in the Frankfurt area. Position Details To strengthen our laboratory team at the Gelnhausen location, S with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main is seeking, starting from 01.11.2024, a Technical Assistant (m/f/d) for Molecular Biology (Full-time / Nearly Full-time Part-time) At the Wildlife Genetics Center at our Gelnhausen site, genetic analyses are conducted as part of the monitoring of wildlife populations. The focus is particularly on endangered and re-expanding mammals such as wolves, lynxes, and wildcats. Creating genetic profiles, especially based on environmental samples, allows the reconstruction of settlement patterns and estimates of population sizes. Responsibilities - Conducting molecular biology laboratory work, such as DNA extraction, PCR, DNA sequencing, and SNP arrays - Processing environmentally sensitive samples, such as hair, feces, and saliva traces from wildlife - Documenting laboratory processes and experiments in electronic laboratory data management systems - Supporting general laboratory maintenance and managing sample archives - Contributing to the development of new laboratory methods and supporting current research projects Qualifications - Completed vocational training as a Biological Technical Assistant or a comparable qualification - Practical experience in molecular biology methods - Careful, structured, and conscientious work style - Reliability and enjoyment of teamwork - High degree of flexibility, commitment, and resilience - Proficiency in MS Office - Good English language skills (spoken and written) - Interest in wildlife and conservation topics We Offer - An attractive and challenging role in a globally recognized research institution - Independent work in an international, motivated, and professional environment - Flexible working hours, support for childcare or family care (certified by the "audit berufundfamilie") - A service ID card providing free entry to numerous facilities - Annual special payment according to the tariff - Statutory vacation entitlement - Company pension scheme Location: Gelnhausen Employment Scope: Full-time (40 hours/week); nearly full-time part-time (at least 75%) Contract Type: Initially limited to 2 years with an option for permanent employment Salary: Expected according to pay group 7 TV-H Diversity Commitment S is committed to diversity. We benefit from the diverse expertise, perspectives, and personalities of our employees and welcome applications from qualified candidates regardless of age, gender or gender identity, ethnic or cultural background, religion or belief, sexual orientation, and identity or disability. Applicants with a severe disability will be given special consideration if equally qualified. S actively supports the balance between work and family life and values a collaborative, inclusive work culture. Interested in Applying? Please send us your complete and compelling application documents (motivation letter, CV, educational and work certificates) in electronic form (as a single PDF file), quoting the reference number: #04-24002 by 31.07.2024 to rg@de or apply directly on our homepage via the online application form. Email: rg@de For professional inquiries regarding the position, please contact Dr. CN at c@de. For more information about Senckenberg, visit www.de. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Sabine Heinrichsohn Referentin Recruiting/HR Department & Personalmarketing Tel.: 069 7542 1309 Mail: recruiting@senckenberg.de "sabine.heinrichsohn@senckenberg.de" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************PostDocs******************** Scientific Project Manager "Dragonflies As Indicators Of Human Impacts On European Lands And Waters" (DRAGON) Location : FRB - Cesab, 5 rue de l'École de Médecine, 34000 Montpellier. Duration : 24 months fixed term, full-time. Salary : 2620 to 2801 euro gross per month commensurate with experience. Starting date : Flexible, between October 2024 and January 2025. Application closing date : Wednesday, 31st July 2024. The Dragon Project The project focuses on odonates (dragonflies and damselflies), a charismatic and important taxonomic group that offers a unique opportunity to study the effects of anthropogenic pressures on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In this project, we will mobilise and use opportunistic and standardised odonate data from across Europe to determine temporal trends in population and species distributions at different spatial scales. These trends will be analysed in the context of various anthropogenic pressures, including climate change, land use change and pollution to identify and better understand the drivers of change and derive new indicators for environmental monitoring. Job description: The post-doctoral Scientific Project Manager is expected to : - Assemble and harmonise European datasets on odonates and anthropogenic pressures. - Design analyses of opportunistic and standardised datasets to estimate population and distributional trends at different spatial and temporal scales. - Analyse population and community changes and how they relate to species' life-history traits. - Investigate how anthropogenic pressure impacts the status and trends of odonates. - Work with stakeholders to co-develop a European platform to standardise data and calculate relevant and robust indicators (e.g., vulnerability scores for species or functional groups for different habitat types) to inform applied conservation, monitor and mitigate the impact of anthropogenic pressure on biodiversity. - Actively participate in the development of grant proposals. - Lead and coauthor scientific publications in international journals With the support of Principal Investigators (PIs) and the CESAB team, the postdoctoral researcher will also be expected to organise the scientific activities of DRAGON consortium workshops at CESAB in Montpellier (one-week twice a year, with one being online), facilitate communication within the consortium and actively engage with various stakeholders. Requirements : PhD in ecology, conservation, or a related field, with a strong background in ecological modelling, statistics, spatial, and quantitative analyses. The ideal candidate will be highly motivated and have prior experience working with collaborative scientific teams or consortia. Essential skills : - Strong quantitative skills: data analysis and statistical modelling applied to large datasets. - Programming skills (R, Python or Julia) for data processing. - Experience with spatial analysis and geo-computing (GIS). - Ability to synthesise information and translate ideas and concepts to multiple audiences, verbally and written. - Good team player, able to work independently and coordinate with larger interdisciplinary teams. - Willingness to engage and collaborate with diverse stakeholders (scientific experts, NGOs, landscape managers, policy makers, etc.). - Fluency in English, both written and verbal. Preferred : Experience working with consortium and collaborative science. Experience working with version control and cloud, or cluster computing. Experience with data management and databases (e.g. PostgreSQL). Competency with Bayesian statistics and hierarchical occupancy modelling. Experience with odonates, freshwater ecology and/or conservation issues. Knowledge of French can be an asset. See full job description https://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Offre_CMS_Dragon_VA.pdf Application instructions : Applicants should send 1) a cover letter, 2) a curriculum vitae, and 3) the names and email addresses of three references to colin.fontaine@mnhn.fr and retoschm@ceh.ac.uk Applications must be submitted no later than Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Interviews are expected to be held in early September, with a starting date between October 2024 and January 2025. see full job description https://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Offre_CMS_Dragon_VA.pdf Aurélie Coulon, PhD Maitre de Conférences (Associate Professor) du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle Centre d'Ecologie et des Sciences de la COnservation (CESCO) UMR 7204 Département Homme et Environnement Muséum national díHistoire naturelle 43 rue Buffon CP 135 75005 Paris France et Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (CEFE) UMR 5175 Equipe Mouvement, Distribution, Abondance (MAD) 1919 route de Mende 34293 Montpellier 5 France Internet: aureliecoulon.net http://cesco.mnhn.fr/fr www.cefe.cnrs.fr Aurélie Coulon (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************PostDocs******************** Job description Applications are invited for a 4 year position as a postdoctoral researcher position in Evolutionary Genomics to be based at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo. The four-year employment includes 25% compulsory work, such as teaching and collection curation. The position is scheduled to begin on 1 January 2025. More about the position The postdoctoral fellow will work in association with the "ICEFISH" project funded by the Research Council of Norway and led by Associate Professor Michael Matschiner (PI). This project investigates the adaptive radiation of notothenioid fishes in Antarctic waters, with a focus on the role of introgression (genetic exchange between species through hybridization) in their diversification. Introgression has been linked to some of the most explosive adaptive radiations such as African cichlid fishes, where hybridization between divergent lineages was considered the initial trigger of the radiation. Like these famous model systems, Antarctic notothenioid fishes have produced a vast number of species - around 100 - within a confined environment, and dominate the fauna in their habitat. However, the genomes of Antarctic icefishes seem to be far more dynamic than in other adaptive radiations, and thus hybridization may have had even stronger consequences for them. In this project, the adaptive radiation of Antarctic icefishes will be analyzed with a massive genomic dataset, including whole genomes from multiple individuals for almost all icefish species. This dataset will allow the most extensive analyses to date of their history, their phylogeny, and the occurrence of past hybridization, and how these relate to climatic changes in Antarctica. Additionally, population-level datasets will be used to assess the influence of ocean currents on the distribution of notothenioid fishes around the Antarctic continent. The work required for this project has a strong focus on bioinformatics. In this bioinformatic work, state-of-the art tools will be used for phylogenomic and population genomic analyses, and new tools may be developed. All bioinformatic work will be performed on the powerful Norwegian supercomputer facilities, to which the postdoctoral fellow will have free and extensive access. The postdoctoral fellow will be integrated into an international network of researchers on Antarctic biodiversity, particularly with the group of Chiara Papetti at the University of Padova and that of Santiago Ceballos at the University of Ushuaia. Within Norway, the postdoctoral fellow will benefit from the diverse, multidisciplinary, and well-funded research environment in Oslo (including e.g. the Natural History Museum and the Centre of Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis at the University of Oslo) and other national collaborations. Being generously supported by the Research Council of Norway, the position includes funding for participation in the Evomics Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics in January 2025, attendance of international and national meetings, and a research stay at the University of Padova. If the opportunity for field work in Antarctica should arise, the postdoctoral fellow would be invited to join. The 4 years of the postdoctoral position include 25% (i.e. a total corresponding to 1 year) of work unrelated to the research project. The purpose of this work is to provide diverse training in transferable skills related to research in a museum environment, such as participation in field work, teaching, outreach, and collection curation; the total of the duty work performed should consist of a mix of two or more of these activities to ensure the training of a diverse set of skills. The postdoctoral fellow will be integrated into the Sex and Evolution Research Group (SERG) at the Natural History Museum. Qualification requirements - We are seeking a skilled early career researcher with a strong interest in adaptive radiation research and the ambition to further their academic career with high-profile publications. - Applicants must hold a PhD-degree (or other corresponding education equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree) in biology or a related discipline like bioinformatics. - Applicants must be able to demonstrate broad bioinformatics expertise, including UNIX and programming (e.g. in Python or R), and must be familiar with the application of bioinformatics tools to population genomic and/or phylogenomic datasets. - Applicants must show good interpersonal skills and be willing and able to work in close collaboration with other members of the project team. - As the project PI (Michael Matschiner) will work remotely (in a new position in Germany) for most of the project period, the applicant must also be able to work independently to a certain degree. - Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are required. Personal skills - Ability to create and contribute to well-functioning and inclusive and productive research environment - Ability to collaborate and communicate well with other members of staff We offer - Salary NOK 575 400 - 657 400 per annum depending on qualifications in a position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow (position code 1352); - a dynamic and friendly working environment, which is close to both the city center of Oslo, a vibrant and international city, and to nature parks and mountains; - full funding of the project's research-related activities, including presentation of results at international conferences, a research stay at the University of Padova, Italy, and participation in the Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomic; - the opportunity to co-supervise a PhD student and MSc students; - membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund; - attractive welfare benefits. How to apply The application must include: - The application letter; - a CV summarizing education, positions, research profile and merits, pedagogical qualifications, and other qualifying activities; - a list of all scientific publications, highlighting the most relevant ones and the applicant's contribution to these; - a one-page statement explaining why the candidate is motivated for the position and how the position fit into the applicant's career plan; - contact information for two reference persons (name, affiliation, e- mail address, and relation to candidate - no reference letters should be submitted). - The application with attachments must be delivered in the Norwegian electronic recruiting system (https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/264751/postdoctoral-researcher-in-evolutionary-genomics). All documents should be submitted in English. Interviews will be part of the appointment process. Contact information Questions regarding the position: Associate Professor Michael Matschiner: michael.matschiner@nhm.uio.no Questions regarding the recruiting system: HR-Adviser Thomas Brånå: thomas.brana@nhm.uio.no Michael Matschiner (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca) ********************PostDocs******************** Dear all, We are looking for a postdoc to work on a project on population genomics of white-sided and white-beaked dolphins and pilot whales in the Arctic and North Atlantic using whole genome re-sequencing data. The position is for 2 years and will based at the University of the Faroe Islands and could include research visits to the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland. The full details of the position can be found here: https://setur.totalview.cloud/recruitment/Vacancy/Index/86 Potential applicants are very welcome to contact us with any questions. Best wishes, Sunnv�r, Outi, Morten and Marie Marie Louis (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)