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Oxford Academic
New issue alert
Volume 40 Issue 5
May 2024
GradHC: highly reliable gradual hash-based clustering for DNA storage systems border=  
Dvir Ben Shabat, Adar Hadad, Avital Boruchovsky, Eitan Yaakobi
Revisiting drug'protein interaction prediction: a novel global'local perspective border= 
Zhecheng Zhou, Qingquan Liao, Jinhang Wei, Linlin Zhuo, Xiaonan Wu ...
CopyVAE: a variational autoencoder-based approach for copy number variation inference using single-cell transcriptomics border=  
Semih Kurt, Mandi Chen, Hosein Toosi, Xinsong Chen, Camilla Engblom ...
Original Paper
Genome analysis
A data-adaptive methods in detecting exogenous methyltransferase accessible chromatin in human genome using nanopore sequencing border= 
Kailing Tu, Xuemei Li, Qilin Zhang, Wei Huang, Dan Xie
wgd v2: a suite of tools to uncover and date ancient polyploidy and whole-genome duplication border= 
Hengchi Chen, Arthur Zwaenepoel, Yves Van de Peer
MUSE-XAE: MUtational Signature Extraction with eXplainable AutoEncoder enhances tumour types classification border= 
Corrado Pancotti, Cesare Rollo, Francesco Codicè, Giovanni Birolo, Piero Fariselli ...
Sequence Analysis
LMCrot: an enhanced protein crotonylation site predictor by leveraging an interpretable window-level embedding from a transformer-based protein language model border= 
Pawel Pratyush, Soufia Bahmani, Suresh Pokharel, Hamid D Ismail, Dukka B KC
For antibody sequence generative modeling, mixture models may be all you need border=  
Jonathan Parkinson, Wei Wang
RecGraph: recombination-aware alignment of sequences to variation graphs border=  
Jorge Avila Cartes, Paola Bonizzoni, Simone Ciccolella, Gianluca Della Vedova, Luca Denti ...
DeepPPAPredMut: deep ensemble method for predicting the binding affinity change in protein'protein complexes upon mutation border= 
Rahul Nikam, Sherlyn Jemimah, M Michael Gromiha
DeepAVP-TPPred: identification of antiviral peptides using transformed image-based localized descriptors and binary tree growth algorithm border= 
Matee Ullah, Shahid Akbar, Ali Raza, Quan Zou
Integrated convolution and self-attention for improving peptide toxicity prediction border= 
Shihu Jiao, Xiucai Ye, Tetsuya Sakurai, Quan Zou, Ruijun Liu
Structural bioinformatics
AbLEF: antibody language ensemble fusion for thermodynamically empowered property predictions border= 
Zachary A Rollins, Talal Widatalla, Andrew Waight, Alan C Cheng, Essam Metwally
MEG-PPIS: a fast protein'protein interaction site prediction method based on multi-scale graph information and equivariant graph neural network border= 
Hongzhen Ding, Xue Li, Peifu Han, Xu Tian, Fengrui Jing ...
Chainsaw: protein domain segmentation with fully convolutional neural networks border= 
Jude Wells, Alex Hawkins-Hooker, Nicola Bordin, Ian Sillitoe, Brooks Paige ...
Gene expression
Peptide set test: a peptide-centric strategy to infer differentially expressed proteins border= 
Junmin Wang, Steven Novick
scPRAM accurately predicts single-cell gene expression perturbation response based on attention mechanism border= 
Qun Jiang, Shengquan Chen, Xiaoyang Chen, Rui Jiang
scTPC: a novel semisupervised deep clustering model for scRNA-seq data border=  
Yushan Qiu, Lingfei Yang, Hao Jiang, Quan Zou
Topological benchmarking of algorithms to infer gene regulatory networks from single-cell RNA-seq data border= 
Marco Stock, Niclas Popp, Jonathan Fiorentino, Antonio Scialdone
Scalable integration of multiomic single-cell data using generative adversarial networks border= 
Valentina Giansanti, Francesca Giannese, Oronza A Botrugno, Giorgia Gandolfi, Chiara Balestrieri ...
Inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell transcriptomics based on graph embedding border= 
Yanglan Gan, Jiacheng Yu, Guangwei Xu, Cairong Yan, Guobing Zou
Genetics and population analysis
SharePro: an accurate and efficient genetic colocalization method accounting for multiple causal signals border= 
Wenmin Zhang, Tianyuan Lu, Robert Sladek, Yue Li, Hamed Najafabadi ...
Genotype sampling for deep-learning assisted experimental mapping of a combinatorially complete fitness landscape border= 
Andreas Wagner
Systems biology
Molecular mechanisms reconstruction from single-cell multi-omics data with HuMMuS border= 
Remi Trimbour, Ina Maria Deutschmann, Laura Cantini
NeoAgDT: optimization of personal neoantigen vaccine composition by digital twin simulation of a cancer cell population border= 
Anja Mösch, Filippo Grazioli, Pierre Machart, Brandon Malone
A supervised Bayesian factor model for the identification of multi-omics signatures border= 
Jeremy P Gygi, Anna Konstorum, Shrikant Pawar, Edel Aron, Steven H Kleinstein ...
BN-BacArena: Bayesian network extension of BacArena for the dynamic simulation of microbial communities border= 
Telmo Blasco, Francesco Balzerani, Luis V Valcárcel, Pedro Larrañaga, Concha Bielza ...
fastCCLasso: a fast and efficient algorithm for estimating correlation matrix from compositional data border= 
Shen Zhang, Huaying Fang, Tao Hu
Bayesian modelling of time series data (BayModTS)'a FAIR workflow to process sparse and highly variable data border= 
Sebastian Höpfl, Mohamed Albadry, Uta Dahmen, Karl-Heinz Herrmann, Eva Marie Kindler ...
BindingSiteDTI: differential-scale binding site modelling for drug'target interaction prediction border= 
Feng Pan, Chong Yin, Si-Qi Liu, Tao Huang, Zhaoxiang Bian ...
DiSMVC: a multi-view graph collaborative learning framework for measuring disease similarity border= 
Hang Wei, Lin Gao, Shuai Wu, Yina Jiang, Bin Liu
GateMeClass: Gate Mining and Classification of cytometry data border=  
Simone Caligola, Luca Giacobazzi, Stefania Canè, Antonio Vella, Annalisa Adamo ...
Data and text mining
TransGEM: a molecule generation model based on Transformer with gene expression data border= 
Yanguang Liu, Hailong Yu, Xinya Duan, Xiaomin Zhang, Ting Cheng ...
From cell lines to cancer patients: personalized drug synergy prediction border=  
Halil Ibrahim Kuru, A Ercument Cicek, Oznur Tastan
BTR: a bioinformatics tool recommendation system border=  
Ryan Green, Xufeng Qu, Jinze Liu, Tingting Yu
Molecular property prediction based on graph structure learning border=  
Bangyi Zhao, Weixia Xu, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou
Pathformer: a biological pathway informed transformer for disease diagnosis and prognosis using multi-omics data border= 
Xiaofan Liu, Yuhuan Tao, Zilin Cai, Pengfei Bao, Hongli Ma ...
Databases and ontologies
Prioritizing genomic variants through neuro-symbolic, knowledge-enhanced learning border= 
Azza Althagafi, Fernando Zhapa-Camacho, Robert Hoehndorf
Bioimage informatics
Automated segmentation and recognition of C. elegans whole-body cells border= 
Yuanyuan Li, Chuxiao Lai, Meng Wang, Jun Wu, Yongbin Li ...
Applications Note
Genome analysis
MammalMethylClock R package: software for DNA methylation-based epigenetic clocks in mammals border= 
Joseph Zoller, Steve Horvath
methscore: a comprehensive R function for DNA methylation-based health predictors 
Zongli Xu, Liang Niu, Jacob K Kresovich, Jack A Taylor
Parsnp 2.0: scalable core-genome alignment for massive microbial datasets border=  
Bryce Kille, Michael G Nute, Victor Huang, Eddie Kim, Adam M Phillippy ...
Sequence analysis
SimReadUntil for benchmarking selective sequencing algorithms on ONT devices border= 
Maximilian Mordig, Gunnar Rätsch, André Kahles
Large-scale structure-informed multiple sequence alignment of proteins with SIMSApiper border= 
Charlotte Crauwels, Sophie-Luise Heidig, Adrián Díaz, Wim F Vranken
PlasCAT: Plasmid Cloud Assembly Tool border=  
Samuel Peccoud, Casey-Tyler Berezin, Sarah I Hernandez, Jean Peccoud
PQSDC: a parallel lossless compressor for quality scores data via sequences partition and run-length prediction mapping border= 
Hui Sun, Yingfeng Zheng, Haonan Xie, Huidong Ma, Cheng Zhong ...
pipesnake : generalized software for the assembly and analysis of phylogenomic datasets from conserved genomic loci border= 
Ian G Brennan, Sonal Singhal, Ziad Al Bkhetan
Structural bioinformatics
CORDAX web server: an online platform for the prediction and 3D visualization of aggregation motifs in protein sequences border= 
Nikolaos Louros, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
Peptriever: a Bi-Encoder approach for large-scale protein'peptide binding search border= 
Roni Gurvich, Gal Markel, Ziaurrehman Tanoli, Tomer Meirson
Gene expression
CASCC: a co-expression-assisted single-cell RNA-seq data clustering method border= 
Lingyi Cai, Dimitris Anastassiou
greenPipes: an integrated data analysis pipeline for greenCUT&RUN and CUT&RUN genome-localization datasets border= 
Sheikh Nizamuddin, H T Marc Timmers
MultiRNAflow: integrated analysis of temporal RNA-seq data with multiple biological conditions border= 
Rodolphe Loubaton, Nicolas Champagnat, Pierre Vallois, Laurent Vallat
Genetics and population analysis
shinyseg: a web application for flexible cosegregation and sensitivity analysis border= 
Christian Carrizosa, Dag E Undlien, Magnus D Vigeland
MPH: fast REML for large-scale genome partitioning of quantitative genetic variation border= 
Jicai Jiang
metaGWASmanager: a toolbox for an automated workflow from phenotypes to meta-analysis in GWAS consortia border= 
Zulema Rodriguez-Hernandez, Mathias Gorski, Maria Tellez-Plaza, Pascal Schlosser, Matthias Wuttke
Systems biology
DIMet: an open-source tool for differential analysis of targeted isotope-labeled metabolomics data border= 
Johanna Galvis, Joris Guyon, Benjamin Dartigues, Helge Hecht, Björn Grüning ...
Data and text mining
NetMe 2.0: a web-based platform for extracting and modeling knowledge from biomedical literature as a labeled graph border= 
Antonio Di Maria, Lorenzo Bellomo, Fabrizio Billeci, Alfio Cardillo, Salvatore Alaimo ...
ITree : a user-driven tool for interactive decision-making with classification trees border= 
Hubert Sokołowski, Marcin Czajkowski, Anna Czajkowska, Krzysztof Jurczuk, Marek Kretowski
Correction to: kb_DRAM: annotation and metabolic profiling of genomes with DRAM in KBase border= 
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