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Oxford Academic
New issue alert
Volume 111 Issue 4
December 2024
Optimal regimes for algorithm-assisted human decision-making
M J Stensrud
J D Laurendeau
A L Sarvet
Exact selective inference with randomization
Snigdha Panigrahi
Kevin Fry
Jonathan Taylor
Flexible control of the median of the false discovery proportion
Jesse Hemerik
Aldo Solari
Jelle J Goeman
Radial neighbours for provably accurate scalable approximations of Gaussian processes
Yichen Zhu
Michele Peruzzi
Cheng Li
David B Dunson
A rank-based sequential test of independence
Alexander Henzi
Michael Law
Testing independence for sparse longitudinal data
Changbo Zhu
Junwen Yao
Jane-Ling Wang
On some algorithms for estimation in Gaussian graphical models
S Højsgaard
S Lauritzen
Network-adjusted covariates for community detection
Y Hu
W Wang
Skip sampling: subsampling in the frequency domain
Tucker McElroy
Dimitris N Politis
Individualized dynamic latent factor model for multi-resolutional data with application to mobile health
J Zhang
F Xue
Q Xu
J Lee
A Qu
Difference-based covariance matrix estimation in time series nonparametric regression with application to specification tests
Lujia Bai
Weichi Wu
Testing serial dependence or cross dependence for time series with underreporting
Keyao Wei
Lengyang Wang
Yingcun Xia
Debiasing Welch's method for spectral density estimation
Lachlan C Astfalck
Adam M Sykulski
Edward J Cripps
Bootstrap test procedure for variance components in nonlinear mixed effects models in the presence of nuisance parameters and a singular Fisher information matrix
T Guédon
C Baey
E Kuhn
Sensitivity analysis for matched observational studies with continuous exposures and binary outcomes
Jeffrey Zhang
Dylan S Small
Siyu Heng
A model-free variable screening method for optimal treatment regimes with high-dimensional survival data
Cheng-Han Yang
Yu-Jen Cheng
Inference for possibly misspecified generalized linear models with nonpolynomial-dimensional nuisance parameters
Shaoxin Hong
Jiancheng Jiang
Xuejun Jiang
Haofeng Wang
More power by using fewer permutations
Nick W Koning
Covariate adjustment in randomized experiments with missing outcomes and covariates
Anqi Zhao
Peng Ding
Fan Li
On propensity score matching with a diverging number of matches
Yihui He
Fang Han
Sharp symbolic nonparametric bounds for measures of benefit in observational and imperfect randomized studies with ordinal outcomes
Erin E Gabriel
Michael C Sachs
Andreas Kryger Jensen
Inference for partial correlations of a multivariate Gaussian time series
A S Dilernia
M Fiecas
L Zhang
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