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Volume 14, Issue 12, December 2024
Reporting on genomes of endangered and threatened species supports conservation
Dialogue and Debate
Don't BLUP Twice
Large, complex data sets can be difficult to model in a single comprehensive genome-wide association study (GWAS). The best practice for two-stage analyses is to consider lines as fixed effects in the first stage statistical model. Best linear unbiased estimates of lines can then be used as input phenotypes to the second stage analysis. In the second stage, lines can be modeled as random effects with genomic relationships to adjust for population structure when estimating individual SNP effects in GWAS.
Mistranslating tRNA variants have anticodon- and sex-specific impacts on Drosophila melanogaster
Mutant tRNA genes can cause mistranslation, the misincorporation of amino acids into protein, and are associated with human disease. This study investigated tRNA variants that caused threonine-to-serine (T→S) or valine-to-serine (V→S) substitutions. Both variants caused developmental delays, lethality, and females to present with more deformities. Surprisingly, mistranslation increased female lifespan and mistranslating males and females showed improved locomotion. These results suggest that mistranslation has positive and negative effects that depend on the tRNA variant and sex of the fly.
Impact of Rhg1 copy number variation on a soybean cyst nematode resistance transcriptional network
Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) infestation devastates soybean crops, impacting the US economy. The Rhg1 gene, the most crucial for SCN resistance, exhibits varying copy number in soybeans. This study discovers significant changes in defense gene expression even with slight copy number variation. Chaiprom et al. also identified intricate regulatory pathways affected by Rhg1 copy number. Additionally, during SCN infection, genes related to defense mechanisms, such as phytoalexin biosynthesis and NBS-LRR, showed heightened activity in resistant plants, offering insights into enhancing SCN resistance.
The topoisomerase II/condensin II axis silences transcription during germline specification in Caenorhabditis elegans
Identifying the sex chromosome and sex determination genes in the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus
Chromosome-scale genome of the polyphagous pest Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae) provides insights on sex chromosome evolution in Anastrepha
The white gene as a transgenesis marker for the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
Retinoblastoma protein activity revealed by CRISPRi study of divergent Rbf1 and Rbf2 paralogs
Loss of the Na+/K+ cation pump CATP-1 suppresses nekl-associated molting defects
Codon optimality influences homeostatic gene expression in zebrafish
Agar lot-specific inhibition in the plating efficiency of yeast spores and cells
Overview of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae population structure through the lens of 3,034 genomes
Genotypic variation in winter wheat for fusarium foot rot and its biocontrol using Clonostachys rosea
This study explored genetic variation in winter wheat for disease resistance and the biocontrol efficacy of a beneficial fungus, Clonostachys rosea, in controlling Fusarium graminearum causing fusarium foot rot. Testing 190 wheat genotypes, significant variation in disease resistance and biocontrol efficacy was found. Further genome-wide analysis revealed independent inheritance of disease resistance and biocontrol efficacy, suggesting a possibility for simultaneous breeding for these traits. It can contribute to sustainable agriculture practices by reducing chemical pesticide use and enhancing biocontrol effectiveness.
Principal component analysis revisited: fast multitrait genetic evaluations with smooth convergence
Genome-wide association studies of photosynthetic and agronomic traits in cowpea collection
Integrative multiomic analysis identifies genes associated with cuticular wax biogenesis in adult maize leaves
Refining penalized Ridge regression: a novel method for optimizing the regularization parameter in genomic prediction
Genome Reports
Genome report: Genome sequence of tuliptree scale, Toumeyella liriodendri (Gmelin), an ornamental pest insect
A first look at the genome structure of hexaploid “Mitcham” peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.)
A chromosome-scale genome assembly of Timorese crabgrass (Digitaria radicosa): a useful genomic resource for the Poaceae
A haplotype-resolved, chromosome-scale genome for Malus domestica Borkh. ‘WA 38’
Chromosome-scale genome assembly of Apocynum pictum, a drought-tolerant medicinal plant from the Tarim Basin
A new high-quality genome assembly and annotation for the threatened Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)
Romero et al. present a new high-quality genome assembly and annotation for the Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), a Federally Threatened bird species. In comparison to other genome assemblies of this species, the authors’ assembly is the first one generated using long-read sequencing technology and from a female individual. They also constructed the first linkage map for this species. The authors’ genome assembly is highly contiguous and is of similar quality to other bird genome assemblies.