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Halfway Mark of the SMBE 40th Anniversary Collections
With the addition of the June Virtual Issue "Evolutionary Impacts of Endosymbiosis", we've reach the halfway mark of a year of monthly Virtual Issues to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Molecular Biology and Evolution. If you haven't read them already be sure to explore these Virtual Issues showcasing selected papers from each journal Molecular Biology and Evolution and Genome Biology and Evolution.
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Molecular Biology and Evolution  
Volume 41 Issue 5
May 2024
Wright's Hierarchical F-Statistics border= 
Marcy K Uyenoyama
A High-Coverage Mesolithic Aurochs Genome and Effective Leveraging of Ancient Cattle Genomes Using Whole Genome Imputation border=  
Jolijn A M Erven, Amelie Scheu, Marta Pereira Verdugo, Lara Cassidy, Ningbo Chen ...
Sea Anemone Membrane Attack Complex/Perforin Superfamily Demonstrates an Evolutionary Transitional State between Venomous and Developmental Functions border= 
Joachim M Surm, Morani Landau, Yaara Y Columbus-Shenkar, Yehu Moran
Comparative Analysis of Maternal Gene Expression Patterns Unravels Evolutionary Signatures Across Reproductive Modes border= 
Ferenc Kagan, Andreas Hejnol
The Narrow Footprint of Ancient Balancing Selection Revealed by Heterokaryon Incompatibility Genes in Aspergillus fumigatus  border= 
Ben Auxier, Jianhua Zhang, Francisca Reyes Marquez, Kira Senden, Joost van den Heuvel ...
The Patterns of Codon Usage between Chordates and Arthropods are Different but Co-evolving with Mutational Biases border= 
Ioanna Kotari, Carolin Kosiol, Rui Borges
Unpredictability of the Fitness Effects of Antimicrobial Resistance Mutations Across Environments in Escherichia coli  border= 
Aaron Hinz, André Amado, Rees Kassen, Claudia Bank, Alex Wong
Genetic Causes and Genomic Consequences of Breakdown of Distyly in Linum trigynum  border= 
Juanita Gutiérrez-Valencia, Panagiotis-Ioannis Zervakis, Zoé Postel, Marco Fracassetti, Aleksandra Losvik ...
Macroevolutionary Dynamics in Micro-organisms: Generalists Give Rise to Specialists Across Biomes in the Ubiquitous Bacterial Phylum Myxococcota border= 
Daniel Padfield, Suzanne Kay, Rutger Vos, Christopher Quince, Michiel Vos
Functional Divergence in Orthologous Transcription Factors: Insights from AtCBF2/3/1 and OsDREB1C border= 
Deyin Deng, Yixin Guo, Liangyu Guo, Chengyang Li, Yuqi Nie ...
Dating Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria with Abundant Eukaryotic Fossils border= 
Tianhua Liao, Sishuo Wang, Hao Zhang, Eva E Stüeken, Haiwei Luo
Wiring Between Close Nodes in Molecular Networks Evolves More Quickly Than Between Distant Nodes border= 
Alejandro Gil-Gomez, Joshua S Rest
Evolutionary Dynamics of Chromatin Structure and Duplicate Gene Expression in Diploid and Allopolyploid Cotton border= 
Guanjing Hu, Corrinne E Grover, Daniel L Vera, Pei-Yau Lung, Senthil B Girimurugan ...
Comparison of Bayesian Coalescent Skyline Plot Models for Inferring Demographic Histories border= 
Ronja J Billenstein, Sebastian Höhna
Computationally Efficient Demographic History Inference from Allele Frequencies with Supervised Machine Learning border= 
Linh N Tran, Connie K Sun, Travis J Struck, Mathews Sajan, Ryan N Gutenkunst
Boundary Effects Cause False Signals of Range Expansions in Population Genomic Data border= 
Petri Kemppainen, Rhiannon Schembri, Paolo Momigliano
fastDFE: Fast and Flexible Inference of the Distribution of Fitness Effects border= 
Janek Sendrowski, Thomas Bataillon
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