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Current Issue of PLoSBiology

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May 2024

Individuals in a marmoset monkey pair take turns to be vigilant while they are feeding. By modeling the monkeys as coupled oscillators, we investigated how this turn-taking pattern emerges over time. We find that marmosets have remarkable flexibility and control over this turn-taking behavior. The more out-of-sync they are initially, the more effort they put into synchronizing with each other, thus facilitating rapid coordination of vigilance. Phaniraj et al 2024

Image Credit: Rahel K. Brügger and Nikhil Phaniraj


Ten simple rules for teaching an introduction to R

Ava M. Hoffman, Carrie Wright


FAIR-USE4OS: Guidelines for creating impactful open-source software

Raphael Sonabend, Hugo Gruson, Leo Wolansky, Agnes Kiragga, Daniel S. Katz

Research Articles

The quality and complexity of pairwise maximum entropy models for large cortical populations

Valdemar Kargård Olsen, Jonathan R. Whitlock, Yasser Roudi

Re-awakening the brain: Forcing transitions in disorders of consciousness by external in silico perturbation

Paulina Clara Dagnino, Anira Escrichs, Ane López-González, Olivia Gosseries, Jitka Annen, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Morten L. Kringelbach, Steven Laureys, Gustavo Deco

Visual social information use in collective foraging

David Mezey, Dominik Deffner, Ralf H. J. M. Kurvers, Pawel Romanczuk

A mathematical model for the role of dopamine-D2 self-regulation in the production of ultradian rhythms

An Qi Zhang, Martin R. Ralph, Adam R. Stinchcombe

Machine-learning and mechanistic modeling of metastatic breast cancer after neoadjuvant treatment

Sebastien Benzekry, Michalis Mastri, Chiara Nicolò, John M. L. Ebos

A systematic analysis of regression models for protein engineering

Richard Michael, Jacob Kæstel-Hansen, Peter Mørch Groth, Simon Bartels, Jesper Salomon, Pengfei Tian, Nikos S. Hatzakis, Wouter Boomsma

Challenges of COVID-19 Case Forecasting in the US, 2020–2021

Velma K. Lopez, Estee Y. Cramer, Robert Pagano, John M. Drake, Eamon B. O’Dea, Madeline Adee, Turgay Ayer, Jagpreet Chhatwal, Ozden O. Dalgic, Mary A. Ladd, Benjamin P. Linas, Peter P. Mueller, Jade Xiao, Johannes Bracher, Alvaro J. Castro Rivadeneira, Aaron Gerding, Tilmann Gneiting, Yuxin Huang, Dasuni Jayawardena, Abdul H. Kanji, Khoa Le, Anja Mühlemann, Jarad Niemi, Evan L. Ray, Ariane Stark, Yijin Wang, Nutcha Wattanachit, Martha W. Zorn, Sen Pei, Jeffrey Shaman, Teresa K. Yamana, Samuel R. Tarasewicz, Daniel J. Wilson, Sid Baccam, Heidi Gurung, Steve Stage, Brad Suchoski, Lei Gao, Zhiling Gu, Myungjin Kim, Xinyi Li, Guannan Wang, Lily Wang, Yueying Wang, Shan Yu, Lauren Gardner, Sonia Jindal, Maximilian Marshall, Kristen Nixon, Juan Dent, Alison L. Hill, Joshua Kaminsky, Elizabeth C. Lee, Joseph C. Lemaitre, Justin Lessler, Claire P. Smith, Shaun Truelove, Matt Kinsey, Luke C. Mullany, Kaitlin Rainwater-Lovett, Lauren Shin, Katharine Tallaksen, Shelby Wilson, Dean Karlen, Lauren Castro, Geoffrey Fairchild, Isaac Michaud, Dave Osthus, Jiang Bian, Wei Cao, Zhifeng Gao, Juan Lavista Ferres, Chaozhuo Li, Tie-Yan Liu, Xing Xie, Shun Zhang, Shun Zheng, Matteo Chinazzi, Jessica T. Davis, Kunpeng Mu, Ana Pastore y Piontti, Alessandro Vespignani, Xinyue Xiong, Robert Walraven, Jinghui Chen, Quanquan Gu, Lingxiao Wang, Pan Xu, Weitong Zhang, Difan Zou, Graham Casey Gibson, Daniel Sheldon, Ajitesh Srivastava, Aniruddha Adiga, Benjamin Hurt, Gursharn Kaur, Bryan Lewis, Madhav Marathe, Akhil Sai Peddireddy, Przemyslaw Porebski, Srinivasan Venkatramanan, Lijing Wang, Pragati V. Prasad, Jo W. Walker, Alexander E. Webber, Rachel B. Slayton, Matthew Biggerstaff, Nicholas G. Reich, Michael A. Johansson

Brain2GAN: Feature-disentangled neural encoding and decoding of visual perception in the primate brain

Thirza Dado, Paolo Papale, Antonio Lozano, Lynn Le, Feng Wang, Marcel van Gerven, Pieter Roelfsema, Yağmur Güçlütürk, Umut Güçlü

Tying the knot: Unraveling the intricacies of the coronavirus frameshift pseudoknot

Luke Trinity, Ulrike Stege, Hosna Jabbari

PESSA: A web tool for pathway enrichment score-based survival analysis in cancer

Hong Yang, Ying Shi, Anqi Lin, Chang Qi, Zaoqu Liu, Quan Cheng, Kai Miao, Jian Zhang, Peng Luo

Scuphr: A probabilistic framework for cell lineage tree reconstruction

Hazal Koptagel, Seong-Hwan Jun, Joanna Hård, Jens Lagergren

The tuning of tuning: How adaptation influences single cell information transfer

Fleur Zeldenrust, Niccolò Calcini, Xuan Yan, Ate Bijlsma, Tansu Celikel

Agent-based modeling of nuclear chromosome ensembles identifies determinants of homolog pairing during meiosis

Ariana Chriss, G. Valentin Börner, Shawn D. Ryan

Foraging in a non-foraging task: Fitness maximization explains human risk preference dynamics under changing environment

Yasuhiro Mochizuki, Norihiro Harasawa, Mayank Aggarwal, Chong Chen, Haruaki Fukuda

Network representation of multicellular activity in pancreatic islets: Technical considerations for functional connectivity analysis

Marko Šterk, Yaowen Zhang, Viljem Pohorec, Eva Paradiž Leitgeb, Jurij Dolenšek, Richard K. P. Benninger, Andraž Stožer, Vira Kravets, Marko Gosak

Graph topological transformations in space-filling cell aggregates

Tanmoy Sarkar, Matej Krajnc

Data–driven modelling makes quantitative predictions regarding bacteria surface motility

Daniel L. Barton, Yow-Ren Chang, William Ducker, Jure Dobnikar

What can we learn when fitting a simple telegraph model to a complex gene expression model?

Feng Jiao, Jing Li, Ting Liu, Yifeng Zhu, Wenhao Che, Leonidas Bleris, Chen Jia

Marmosets mutually compensate for differences in rhythms when coordinating vigilance

Nikhil Phaniraj, Rahel K. Brügger, Judith M. Burkart

Structural and practical identifiability of contrast transport models for DCE-MRI

Martina Conte, Ryan T. Woodall, Margarita Gutova, Bihong T. Chen, Mark S. Shiroishi, Christine E. Brown, Jennifer M. Munson, Russell C. Rockne

Inferring fungal growth rates from optical density data

Tara Hameed, Natasha Motsi, Elaine Bignell, Reiko J. Tanaka

Interpretable online network dictionary learning for inferring long-range chromatin interactions

Vishal Rana, Jianhao Peng, Chao Pan, Hanbaek Lyu, Albert Cheng, Minji Kim, Olgica Milenkovic

Liebig’s law of the minimum in the TGF-β/SMAD pathway

Yuchao Li, Difan Deng, Chris Tina Höfer, Jihye Kim, Won Do Heo, Quanbin Xu, Xuedong Liu, Zhike Zi

Nuclear export is a limiting factor in eukaryotic mRNA metabolism

Jason M. Müller, Katharina Moos, Till Baar, Kerstin C. Maier, Kristina Zumer, Achim Tresch

Real-time forecasting of COVID-19-related hospital strain in France using a non-Markovian mechanistic model

Alexander Massey, Corentin Boennec, Claudia Ximena Restrepo-Ortiz, Christophe Blanchet, Samuel Alizon, Mircea T. Sofonea

Learning Micro-C from Hi-C with diffusion models

Tong Liu, Hao Zhu, Zheng Wang

Competition between physical search and a weak-to-strong transition rate-limits kinesin binding times

Trini Nguyen, Babu Reddy Janakaloti Narayanareddy, Steven P. Gross, Christopher E. Miles

Where’s Whaledo: A software toolkit for array localization of animal vocalizations

Eric R. Snyder, Alba Solsona-Berga, Simone Baumann-Pickering, Kait E. Frasier, Sean M. Wiggins, John A. Hildebrand

A computational analysis of the role of integrins and Rho-GTPases in the emergence and disruption of apical-basal polarization in renal epithelial cells

Maria J. Hagelaars, Milica Nikolic, Maud Vermeulen, Sylvia Dekker, Carlijn V. C. Bouten, Sandra Loerakker

Diverse task-driven modeling of macaque V4 reveals functional specialization towards semantic tasks

Santiago A. Cadena, Konstantin F. Willeke, Kelli Restivo, George Denfield, Fabian H. Sinz, Matthias Bethge, Andreas S. Tolias, Alexander S. Ecker

Modeling oxygen transport in the brain: An efficient coarse-grid approach to capture perivascular gradients in the parenchyma

David Pastor-Alonso, Maxime Berg, Franck Boyer, Natalie Fomin-Thunemann, Michel Quintard, Yohan Davit, Sylvie Lorthois

Learning with sparse reward in a gap junction network inspired by the insect mushroom body

Tianqi Wei, Qinghai Guo, Barbara Webb

The impact of health inequity on spatial variation of COVID-19 transmission in England

Thomas Rawson, Wes Hinsley, Raphael Sonabend, Elizaveta Semenova, Anne Cori, Neil M Ferguson

Surprise-minimization as a solution to the structural credit assignment problem

Franz Wurm, Benjamin Ernst, Marco Steinhauser

Estimating mutation rates under heterogeneous stress responses

Lucy Lansch-Justen, Meriem El Karoui, Helen K. Alexander

Dorsal and median raphe neuronal firing dynamics characterized by nonlinear measures

Claudia Pascovich Rognoni, Diego Serantes, Alejo Rodriguez, Diego Mateos, Joaquín González, Diego Gallo, Mayda Rivas, Andrea Devera, Patricia Lagos, Nicolás Rubido, Pablo Torterolo

Modelling midline shift and ventricle collapse in cerebral oedema following acute ischaemic stroke

Xi Chen, Tamás I. Józsa, Danilo Cardim, Chiara Robba, Marek Czosnyka, Stephen J. Payne

Mathematical modeling of the evolution of resistance and aggressiveness of high-grade serous ovarian cancer from patient CA-125 time series

Kanyarat Jitmana, Jason I. Griffiths, Sian Fereday, Anna DeFazio, David Bowtell, for Australian Ovarian Cancer Study, Frederick R. Adler

Clustering and visualization of single-cell RNA-seq data using path metrics

Andriana Manousidaki, Anna Little, Yuying Xie

Temporal dynamics of short-term neural adaptation across human visual cortex

Amber Marijn Brands, Sasha Devore, Orrin Devinsky, Werner Doyle, Adeen Flinker, Daniel Friedman, Patricia Dugan, Jonathan Winawer, Iris Isabelle Anna Groen

Modeling spatial evolution of multi-drug resistance under drug environmental gradients

Tomas Ferreira Amaro Freire, Zhijian Hu, Kevin B. Wood, Erida Gjini

Astrocytes as a mechanism for contextually-guided network dynamics and function

Lulu Gong, Fabio Pasqualetti, Thomas Papouin, ShiNung Ching

Disentangling the effects of metabolic cost and accuracy on movement speed

Garrick W. Bruening, Robert J. Courter, Shruthi Sukumar, Megan K. O’Brien, Alaa A. Ahmed

Evaluating targeted COVID-19 vaccination strategies with agent-based modeling

Thomas J. Hladish, Alexander N. Pillai, Carl A. B. Pearson, Kok Ben Toh, Andrea C. Tamayo, Arlin Stoltzfus, Ira M. Longini


Removing direct photocurrent artifacts in optogenetic connectivity mapping data via constrained matrix factorization

Benjamin Antin, Masato Sadahiro, Marta Gajowa, Marcus A. Triplett, Hillel Adesnik, Liam Paninski

Topological state-space estimation of functional human brain networks

Moo K. Chung, Shih-Gu Huang, Ian C. Carroll, Vince D. Calhoun, H. Hill Goldsmith

Artificial neural networks for model identification and parameter estimation in computational cognitive models

Milena Rmus, Ti-Fen Pan, Liyu Xia, Anne G. E. Collins

A dose-response model for statistical analysis of chemical genetic interactions in CRISPRi screens

Sanjeevani Choudhery, Michael A. DeJesus, Aarthi Srinivasan, Jeremy Rock, Dirk Schnappinger, Thomas R. Ioerger

Krisp: A Python package to aid in the design of CRISPR and amplification-based diagnostic assays from whole genome sequencing data

Zachary S. L. Foster, Andrew S. Tupper, Caroline M. Press, Niklaus J. Grünwald

An extension of the Walsh-Hadamard transform to calculate and model epistasis in genetic landscapes of arbitrary shape and complexity

Andre J. Faure, Ben Lehner, Verónica Miró Pina, Claudia Serrano Colome, Donate Weghorn


Cooltools: Enabling high-resolution Hi-C analysis in Python

Open2C, Nezar Abdennur, Sameer Abraham, Geoffrey Fudenberg, Ilya M. Flyamer, Aleksandra A. Galitsyna, Anton Goloborodko, Maxim Imakaev, Betul A. Oksuz, Sergey V. Venev, Yao Xiao

MGSurvE: A framework to optimize trap placement for genetic surveillance of mosquito populations

Héctor M. Sánchez C., David L. Smith, John M. Marshall

Versatile multiple object tracking in sparse 2D/3D videos via deformable image registration

James Ryu, Amin Nejatbakhsh, Mahdi Torkashvand, Sahana Gangadharan, Maedeh Seyedolmohadesin, Jinmahn Kim, Liam Paninski, Vivek Venkatachalam

Pairtools: From sequencing data to chromosome contacts

Open2C, Nezar Abdennur, Geoffrey Fudenberg, Ilya M. Flyamer, Aleksandra A. Galitsyna, Anton Goloborodko, Maxim Imakaev, Sergey V. Venev