Subject: Theoretical Population Biology : Volume 158 Untitled Document

New Issue: Theoretical Population Biology

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Cover Image Theoretical Population Biology

Theoretical Population Biology

Volume 158, Pages 1-216 , August 2024

Editorial Board

Page ii

Regular Articles

Latent mutations in the ancestries of alleles under selection

Pages 1-20

Wai-Tong (Louis) Fan, John Wakeley

Polygenic dynamics underlying the response of quantitative traits to directional selection

Pages 21-59

Hannah Götsch, Reinhard Bürger

The mutation process on the ancestral line under selection

Pages 60-75

E. Baake, F. Cordero, E. Di Gaspero

The grapheme-valued Wright-Fisher diffusion with mutation

Pages 76-88

Andreas Greven, Frank den Hollander, Anton Klimovsky, Anita Winter

Neutral diversity in experimental metapopulations

Pages 89-108

Guilhem Doulcier, Amaury Lambert

Persistence in repeated games encourages the evolution of spite

Pages 109-120

Shun Kurokawa

Muller's ratchet in a near-critical regime: Tournament versus fitness proportional selection

Pages 121-138

J.L. Igelbrink, A. González Casanova, C. Smadi, A. Wakolbinger

On the connections between the spatial Lambda-Fleming-Viot model and other processes for analysing geo-referenced genetic data

Pages 139-149

Johannes Wirtz, Stéphane Guindon

The coalescent in finite populations with arbitrary, fixed structure

Pages 150-169

Benjamin Allen, Alex McAvoy

Stochastic viability in an island model with partial dispersal: Approximation by a diffusion process in the limit of a large number of islands

Pages 170-184

Dhaker Kroumi, Sabin Lessard

Host control and species interactions jointly determine microbiome community structure

Pages 185-194

Eeman Abbasi, Erol Akçay

Temporal variability can promote migration between habitats

Pages 195-205

Harman Jaggi, David Steinsaltz, Shripad Tuljapurkar

Unifying quantification methods for sexual selection and assortative mating using information theory

Pages 206-215

A. Carvajal-Rodríguez

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