Subject: Trends in Ecology & Evolution: July 2024 (Volume 39, Issue 7)
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Issue cover
Jul 2024
Vol. 39, Iss. 7



Trends Voices on SDGs: Affordable and clean energy

View the new collection focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goal of affordable and clean energy.

Biodiversity collection

Read biodiversity-focused reviews, commentaries, articles, and more from across Cell Press.

Webinar: Advances in cell-free DNA detection from liquid biopsy for cancer screening

June 27, 2024, 12:00 pm ET | Register here.

Navigating the Pyrocene

On July 11, join experts as they discuss managing fire risk in a warming world.

Table of Contents

Advisory Board and Contents
Science & Society

Ensuring legitimate project-level claims about net biodiversity outcomes
Laura J. Sonter, Martine Maron, Anna Metaxas, Joseph W. Bull
Book Review

Cellular evolution in the population genetics environment
Christian R. Landry

Functional trait databases for macrobehaviour
Eamonn I.F. Wooster, Dale.G. Nimmo
Suggestions for optimizing a global behavioral trait database
Allison M. Brehm, John L. Orrock

Problem-solving ability: a link between cognition and conservation?
Amanda R. Ridley, Elizabeth M. Speechley

Investigating the impacts of artificial light via blackouts
Arjun Amar, Chevonne Reynolds, Robert L. Thomson, Davide Dominoni
A global initiative for ecological and evolutionary hologenomics
Aoife Leonard Earth Hologenome Initiative Consortium, Antton Alberdi
A modern definition of Fossil-Lagerstätten
Julien Kimmig, James D. Schiffbauer

Effects of migratory animals on resident parasite dynamics
Jason E. Donaldson, Vanessa O. Ezenwa, Thomas A. Morrison, Ricardo M. Holdo
When indices disagree: facing conceptual and practical challenges
Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Kelly Carscadden
Linking nematodes and ecosystem function: a trait-based framework
Chongzhe Zhang, Ian J. Wright, Uffe N. Nielsen, Stefan Geisen, Manqiang Liu
Sexual selection and speciation in the Anthropocene
Janette W. Boughman, Jack A. Brand, Robert C. Brooks, Russell Bonduriansky, Bob B.M. Wong

Dispersal evolution and eco-evolutionary dynamics in antagonistic species interactions
Giacomo Zilio, Jhelam N. Deshpande, Alison B. Duncan, Emanuel A. Fronhofer, Oliver Kaltz
Priority effects transcend scales and disciplines in biology
J.T. Stroud, B.M. Delory, E.M. Barnes, J.M. Chase, L. De Meester, J. Dieskau, T.N. Grainger, F.W. Halliday, P. Kardol, T.M. Knight, E. Ladouceur, C.J. Little, C. Roscher, J.M. Sarneel, V.M. Temperton, T.L.H. van Steijn, C.M. Werner, C.W. Wood, T. Fukami
Towards mechanistic integration of the causes and consequences of biodiversity
Shaopeng Wang, Pubin Hong, Peter B. Adler, Eric Allan, Yann Hautier, Bernhard Schmid, Jurg W. Spaak, Yanhao Feng
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