Tçnâ koe, hello! Abstract submission for GSA's 2025 conference is due in just under four weeks, on Monday 7th April. The conference will be held at Waipapa Taumata Rau - The University of Auckland in Aotearoa - New Zealand from 7-10 July 2025. Our annual conference brings the genetics community from Aotearoa, Australia and the Asia Pacific region together to share fantastic new and innovative research in genetics, covering themes across human genetics, molecular, cellular and developmental genetics, genetics in primary industries, quantitative genetics, microbial genetics, epigenetics, synthetic biology, conservation genetics, evolutionary genetics, comparative genomics, genetics education and more! We are also excited to be hosting two special symposia - a session featuring Indigenous Early Career Leaders, supported by Genomics Aotearoa, and a Precision Medicine session, supported by The University of Auckland. - Abstracts are due by Monday April 7th 2025, 23:59 NZST (21:59 AEST). - Early bird registration will close on Sunday May 11th 2025, 23:59 NZST (21:59 AEST). - For more information, see gsa-2025.com. Abstract submission is generally limited to one abstract per presenter. However, as part of encouraging a community of practice in Genetics Education, we welcome an additional abstract submission to our 'Education and genetics' session. Oral presentations at the session will be eligible for consideration for the GSA Award for Innovation in Education. In addition to conference attendance, GSA members are eligible to apply for GSA awards, workshop funding, student grants and access to the GSA mailing list to distribute information to members, amongst many other benefits. This is the preeminent meeting in our field and spans both applied and fundamental genetic research. The conference will also host a diversity of international and national keynote speakers from across the disciplines of genetics, with keynotes from Prof Amanda Black, Prof Alexei Drummond, Prof Matt Littlejohn, Prof Cris Print, Assoc Prof Miloð Tanurdzic, Dr. Erika Varkonyi-Gasic, and Assoc Prof Phil Wilcox. Our Indigenous Early Career Leader session features additional keynotes from Dr Alana Alexander, Dr Catherine Collins, Dr Megan Leask, Dawn Lewis, Jordon Lima and Conor Watene O'Sullivan. Our Precision Medicine session features additional keynotes from Dr Lynsey Cree, Assoc Prof Emma Scotter and Prof Andrew Shelling. The conference will also feature talks from our GSA Award winners. We look forward to seeing you in Tâmaki Makaurau - Auckland in July 2025! Anna Santure On behalf of the Organising Committee - Dr Kimiora Henare, Dr Jessie Jacobsen, Dr Nathan Kenny, Prof Joanna Putterill, Dr Suzanne Reid and Dr Annabel Whibley Contact email: gsa.conference2025@gmail.com GSA 2025 conference website (includes links to registration and abstract submission): www.gsa-2025.com We acknowledge the generous support of our Platinum Partners Genomics Aotearoa and The University of Auckland, Gold Partner Kiwifruit Breeding Centre, Silver Partner The Center for Computational Evolution, and Bronze Partners Lab Supply, Decode Science, Ngaio Diagnostics, Auckland Genomics, Oxford Nanopore Technologies and AGRF. Partnership opportunities still available! Nathan Kenny (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)