Human Evolution - From Fossils to Ancient and Modern Genomes (Hybrid conference) 28-30 April 2025, Wellcome Genome Campus, UK (near Cambridge) Registration & Poster/Lightning Talk Deadline Approaching! (31 March 2025) Join us for our 4th Conference on Human Evolutionat the beautiful Wellcome Genome Campus, where we'll explore groundbreaking archaeological discoveries and cutting-edge genetic tools shaping the field. Topics include: -Evolutionary history -Hominin hybridization, divergence and ecologicalniches -Population structure, demography and mobility -Methodological advances in human history inference -Diseases that impacted ancient humans -Human adaptation Speakers: María Martinon-Torres - CENIEH, Spain (keynote) Mark Stoneking - LBBE, France (keynote) María Ávila-Arcos - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico Judith Beier - University of Tübingen, Germany Roman Garba - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Amy Goldberg - Duke University, USA Ashley Hammond - American Museum of Natural History, USA Evan Irving-Pease - University of Copenhagen, Denmark Johannes Krause - Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany Martin Kuhlwilm - University of Vienna, Austria Kateryna Makova - Pennsylvania State University, USA Alice Leplongeon - French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France Sarah Pederzani - University of Utah, USA John Rowan - University of Cambridge, UK For more details on programme, registration and further information: We have a dynamic programme that includes invited talks, short oral presentations, lightning talks and posters selected from abstracts. We hope to see you there! Nagehan Bahadir Wellcome Connecting Science On behalf of the Scientific Programme Committee Alice Leplongeon Marta Mirazon Lahr Lluis Quintana-Murci Carina Schlebusch Nagehan Bahadýr, PhD Programme developer - scientific meetings (She/her) Learning and Training Wellcome Connecting Science | Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1RQ | UK Wellcome Connecting Science enables everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health and society. NagehanRamazanogluBahadir@helix (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to