The Canadian Botanical Association's - Association Botanique du Canada (CBA-ABC) annual conference gathers 100-120 motivated professors, students, researchers, professionals, and naturalists to share their latest research findings. The 61st annual conference will take place at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's Canada. This year's edition will be held under the theme "Botany on the rock for conservation and sustainability" and will encompass a wide range of botanical research fields, including physiology, taxonomy, phylogeny, genomics, mycology, plant development, ecology and conservation. We have three exciting public talks Plenary lecture: Dr. Warren Cardinal-McTeague, University of British Columbia Weresub lecture: Dr. Yolanda Wiersma, Memorial University of Newfoundland Flora of Newfoundland: MSc. Susan Meades, Great Lakes Forestry Centre Main symposium speakers Development: Dr. Danve Castroverde, Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Ecology and Conservation: Dr. Carissa Brown, Memorial Univ. Mycology: Dr. Az Klymiuk, Univ. Manitoba Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity: Dr. Edeline Gagnon, Univ. Guelph Teaching: Dr. Laura Super, Univ. British Columbia Three additional symposia are: "Genomics for plant evolution, ecology and conservation" "Fungi in Canadian forests" "Plant ecology at the edges: ecotones and range limits" And a teaching workshop on universal design for learning (UDL) offered by Dr. Laura Super, Univ. British Columbia Several student and travel awards will be given. Deadline for abstract submission and early bird registration is April 1st. For more information and to submit an abstract click here: For more information on the Canadian Botanical Association please visit our website here: We are looking forward to seeing you in St John's in June 2025 and hope that you will consider our conference for sharing your research Julissa Roncal, PhD Associate Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada Canadian Botanical Association Vice-president -- Julissa Roncal, Ph.D. (she/her) Associate Professor and Curator of the Ayre Herbarium Department of Biology Memorial University of Newfoundland 45 Arctic Avenue St. John's, NL, A1C 5S7, Canada Office CSF4331, phone (709) 864 2241 Ayre herbarium (709) 864 6233 Mobile: (709) 351 6771 Associate editor for the American Journal of Botany We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University's campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and we acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi'kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province. "Roncal, Julissa" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to