4-year PhD on pollinator genomics with focus on museum samples (deadline: 30 April 2024) The Department of Zoology invites applications for a four-year PhD position based at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm. The project is aimed at investigating temporal patterns of population structure and genomic diversity in pollinating insect populations. The analyses will use state-of-the-art genomic and palaeogenomic methods with focus on recovering DNA from museum specimens collected throughout the last 200 years. This will be a conservation genomics project part of a research programme funded by the Swedish Research Council and focused on investigating the genomic effects of population decline in insect pollinators. The PhD student will join the research group led by David Díez-del-Molino at the Centre for Palaeogenetics located on the Stockholm University campus. The following criteria will be used to fill the position: the candidates' documented knowledge in a relevant field of research, written and oral proficiency in English, the capacity for analytical thinking, the ability to collaborate, as well as creativity, initiative, and independence. The assessment will be based on previous experience and grades, the quality of the degree project, references, relevant experience, interviews, and the candidate's written motivation to apply for the position. Experience in population genetics, insect ecology, bioinformatics, and working in a DNA laboratory (ancient/historical/modern) are relevant qualifications. Check the full requirements and apply here https://www.su.se/english/about-the-university/work-at-su/available-jobs/phd-student-positions-1.507588?rmpage=job&rmjob=23451&rmlang=UK More information about the Centre for Palaeogenetics and my research group can be found here https://palaeogenetics.com For informal inquiries, contact David Díez-del-Molino (david.diez@zoologi.su.se) All welcome to apply! David Díez-del-Molino Centre for Palaeogenetics Stockholm University Svante Arrhenius väg 20C SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Mobile: +46(0)739512922 diez.molino@gmail.com @indianadiez David Díez (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)