PhD project - Eco-evolutionary and conservation dynamics of desert succulents (Lithops spp.) from southern Africa The Integrative Wildlife Conservation lab at Trent University, in collaboration with the Lithops Research and Conservation Foundation, is offering a unique PhD project on the eco-evolutionary and conservation dynamics of Lithops spp., a genus of small succulent plants occurring in isolated colonies across desert landscapes in southern Africa. In the wild, Lithops are susceptible to human collection, habitat loss, and climate change, with many populations and species currently subject to high extinction risk. There are important knowledge gaps related to Lithops phylogeny and ecology that are currently impacting rigorous conservation status assessment and protection. Trent University is among only a handful of facilities worldwide housing Lithops plants and seeds originating from wild colonies, providing a truly unique opportunity to address integrative questions related to evolution, population genetics, and conservation biology in a controlled, rigorous and impactful context. The PhD project may include investigations related to genome sequencing, phylogenetics, conservation genetics, evolutionary divergence and linkage analysis, and adaptation to harsh environmental conditions, and the candidate will have the opportunity to develop specific research questions based on their interest and expertise. Successful candidates MUST have an MSc in Biology, Genetics, Conservation, or related field, demonstrated evidence of peer-reviewed publications, strong lab and field skills, and an interest in working collaboratively within a large and diverse research group. Additional desirable qualifications include DNA extraction and library preparation, bioinformatics and GIS skills. To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial academic transcript, and contact information for 3 references to: Dennis Murray ( For additional details, see and The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found. Tucker Cambridge (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to