I would be grateful if you could circulate this information related to fully-funded doctoral researcher positions in Finland to Evoldir and other relevant channels and/or to potential applicants. International applicants are sought for. The text can be found below. The positions numbers 18 and 19 specifically concern 18) Human genomic changes due to past epidemics and environment in north-eastern Europe and 19) Evolution of human health in past and modern environments. (Read more about the UTU-GreDiT research projects ) The call is open until 5 February 2024. Thank you and best regards, prof Päivi Onkamo, Univ. of Turku, Finland "Solutions for Green and Digital Transition" (UTU-GreDiT), led by University of Turku (UTU), Finland, is a unique COFUND doctoral training project that aims to train the experts required to deliver transformative change towards sustainable societies, with skills and knowledge to operate across sectors. We are currently witnessing a major global ecological crisis challenging the living conditions on the Earth. Climate change and biodiversity losses have caused over euro 145 billion in economic losses in the EU over the past decade, in addition to inestimable human costs. The crisis increasingly threatens food, water and energy security in Europe and globally, resulting in serious socio-economic challenges. Transformative change is urgently needed. Interdisciplinary research and education in Green and Digital Transition provide a key means of addressing these complex crises by catalysing change towards sustainable socio-economic growth. UTU-GreDiT is co-funded by European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme's Marie Sk³odowska-Curie Action. We are offering 25 fully-paid four-year doctoral researchers' positions. UTU-GreDiT research groups include expertise from biodiversity research, biochemistry, biology, geography, geology, computer science, information and communication technology, management and organization, materials engineering, molecular plant biology, sustainable biotechnological processes. UTU-GreDiT integrates the well-established cutting-edge research infrastructures and experienced supervisors of UTU to UTU-GreDiT doctoral researchers. The UTU-GreDiT postgraduate studies include courses on the research topic as well as studies on transferable skills, networking and mobility in the form of secondment(s) in partner organisations. The call for applications for the UTU-GreDiT doctoral researchers' positions will be open from 23 November 2023 to 22 January 2024. The four-year doctoral researcher positions are set to begin at the latest 1 August 2024. Read more about UTU-GreDiT Read more about the UTU-GreDiT research projects An eligible applicant is an early-stage researcher (no doctoral degree), who holds a Master's degree in relevant discipline. Based on the EU mobility rule, the applicant must not have resided in Finland for more than 12 months in last 36 months. Read more about these and other eligibility criteria. Päivi Onkamo (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)