A PhD-position in evolutionary ecology and genomics is available in the research group of Dieter Ebert at the University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences. I am looking for a highly motivated candidate with interests in evolutionary ecology/genetics/genomics. The research group employs laboratory- and field-based approaches to understand the evolution of phenotypic and genetic diversity. Our research group addresses evolutionary and ecological aspects of local adaptation, environmental stress, host-parasite interactions, coevolution, phylogenetics and biogeography. A major focus is on host-parasite coevolution. The PhD project is concerned with the role of environmental stress and the role of parasitism in natural populations of the planktonic crustacean Daphnia. The detailed projects will be worked out with the successful candidates. A Master degree (or equivalent) in biology or related subject is necessary for admission. Experience in bioinformatics, molecular tools, and data analysis are helpful, but are not required. The positions are fully funded and are supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of Basel. Starting date for the PhD is negotiable (any time from April 2025 onwards). The working language in the group is English. Please send your application by email (all material in one PDF please) to Dieter Ebert. Applications should include a motivation letter (including research interests, maximum 1 page), a CV and a list of publications (if available). Please give names and email addresses of two persons who are willing to write a letter of recommendation. Application deadline is 7 March 2025. Further information and address for application: Prof. Dr. Dieter Ebert, University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Zoology, Basel, Switzerland, Email: dieter.ebert@unibas.ch Web: http://evolution.unibas.ch/ebert/ Dieter Ebert University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Zoology Vesalgasse 1, CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland http://evolution.unibas.ch/ Email: dieter.ebert@unibas.ch Dieter Ebert (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)