We have a fully funded 4-year Walsh Scholarship PhD program available in my group. This initiative focuses on investigating the transcriptomic responses, genetic diversity, and virulence factors of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, the causal agent of dieback disease in ash trees. This collaborative project between Teagasc and University College Dublin,Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute is jointly funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. For more details:=20 https://www.teagasc.ie/media/website/about/walsh-scholarships/2023262-Web-A= dvert_AshPath.pdf Closing date: 24th March, 2024 "Jie Huang (Walsh Scholar)" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)