"At the University of Göttingen -Public Law Foundation-, graduate school 2984 Evolutionary Genomics: Consequences of biodiverse Reproductive Systems, there are 11 positions as Doctoral Researchers in Evolutionary Genomics (all genders welcome) Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L/65% to be filled. Starting date is 1/1/2025. The position is limited to 31.12.2027. These are qualification positions for junior researchers pursuing a PhD degree for three years, with a possible prolongation for up to one year. The goal of our research training group is to analyze the evolution of genomes in sexual and asexual organisms in animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms. Our collaborative efforts will provide a better understanding of the "paradox of sex" in nature. We will study the evolution of nuclear genomes to test hypotheses of genome erosion and functional changes with asexuality, the interaction of nuclear-organelle genomes under different modes of reproduction, and horizontal gene transfer via viruses between prokaryotes and prokaryotes-eukaryotes. We will further include projects to develop new methods for analysis of chromosome architecture and models for genome analysis under different mutation-selection scenarios. Please see further details on the PhD projects at our homepage: https://uni-goettingen.de/de/687607.html. Please indicate your preferred project(s) (up to three, in order of preference) in your motivation letter. Successful candidates will have - an outstanding Master's degree (or equivalent) in Biology, with a focus on evolutionary genomics, - experience in molecular lab work and/or in bioinformatics and statistical genomics methods - proven background in theory related to evolution of reproductive systems, - excellent command of scientific English (oral and written, min. equivalent to C1). We also expect successful candidates to be active team players in the RTG. Your application should include a letter of motivation, CV, lists of publications, transcripts of your Master's degree or equivalent, and certificates of English language proficiency as pdf files. We offer an excellent research team on the Göttingen Campus, including a Center for National High Performance computing and an AI service center. Our training concept includes seminar and conference presentations, methods courses and workshops, and teaching. Experience with innovative methods, networking and publishing within the RTG team will be gained. The University of Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply in fields in which they are underrepresented. The university has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution and supports their employees in balancing work and family life. The University is particularly committed to the professional participation of severely disabled employees and therefore welcomes applications from severely disabled people. In the case of equal qualifications, applications from people with severe disabilities will be given preference. A disability or equality is to be included in the application in order to protect the interests of the applicant. Please upload your application in one pdf file including the usual documents until 9/9/2024 on the application portal of the university using this link: http://obp.uni-goettingen.de/de-de/OBF/Index/74570. For more information get in touch with Elvira Hörandl directly via E-Mail: elvira.hoerandl@biologie.uni-goettingen.de, Tel. +49 551 39 28540 . Please note: With submission of your application, you accept the processing of your applicant data in terms of data-protection law. Further information on the legal basis and data usage is provided in the Information General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" Elvira Hörandl (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)