We invite applications for a PhD position to study the evolution, genetics and genomics of the adaptive immune system (especially MHC/HLA), using humans and/or fish as a model system. The specific topic is open and will be matched with the candidate's interests and skills. We use both computational and molecular approaches in our lab. The position is a full-time PhD position funded for initially 3 years. In Germany, PhD students are expected to complete their PhD work within three years, as they don't have to collect course credits. However, extensions are possible depending on funding availability. A Masters degree in a relevant field is required to apply. *The application deadline is August 25* Please follow this link to apply online through the university system: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/stellenangebote/ausschreibung.html?jobID=5445f16b8f0ddb0284c276538fc7b6787c4d8650 In our group we are studying the genetic basis for variation in immunocompetence and disease susceptibility in vertebrates, with a particular focus on the adaptive immune system and specifically the process of antigen presentation (MHC/HLA) and recognition (TCR/T cell repertoires). Our main model systems are humans and three-spined sticklebacks (a small, but cool fish). We usually take an evolutionary perspective and aim to understand the factors and mechanisms that maintain genetic diversity in the context of host-pathogen coevolution (in both humans and fish), but we are also interested in the consequences of this diversity for the individual's health and have several ongoing collaborations with clinical groups on specific complex diseases in humans (e.g. HIV, Tuberculosis, autoimmunity, cancer). Several project ideas are available in this context and can be tailored to the candidate's interest and experience. We expect the successful candidate to have a decent background in molecular and evolutionary biology. Some knowledge of immunology and bioinformatics would be a plus. For more specific requirements and duties, including a minor level of teaching, please see the advert link above. We offer an inspiring research environment with expertise in molecular, evolutionary, and computational biology, immunology and population genetics/genomics. Our group has state-of-the art molecular labs, including NGS sequencing capacity, and has priority access to the university's HPC cluster. Our newly renovated labs and offices in the Institute for Animal Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Hamburg are situated in the middle of Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany. The institute is neighboring the main university campus with its bustling student life and cafes, and is easy to reach by bike or any public transport (and car, if you must). Please see also our lab website for more info: http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/evolutionaryimmunogenomics Please do not hesitate to contact me for informal inquiries, Tobias Lenz Prof. Dr. Tobias Lenz, Heisenberg-Professor Research Unit for Evolutionary Immunogenomics University of Hamburg Department of Biology Institute of Animal Cell and Systems Biology Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3 20146 Hamburg, Germany Email: tobias.lenz@uni-hamburg.de http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/evolutionaryimmunogenomics tobias.lenz@uni-hamburg.de (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)