PhD position in Quiescent cell Variability We invite applications for a PhD position within the project "The influence of ecological factors on the quiescent state: from the characteristics of individual eukaryotic cells to population dynamics", funded by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) OPUS grant.  About the Project Background information:  Quiescence is a fundamental, but poorly understood cellular state crucial for survival for all eukaryotes. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) serves as a model organism to study quiescence, providing insights into cellular aging, stress resistance, and microbial population dynamics. Understanding the genetic and ecological determinants of quiescent cell evolvability has broad implications for medicine, biotechnology, and science of ageing. Whitin a project we focus on  questions that remain unanswered: How do environmental factors (e.g., nutrient availability, exometabolome presence, and population density) influence quiescent cells phenotype heterogeneity in yeast populations? What are the genetic underpinnings of quiescence variability, and how do mutations shape adaptation to long-term starvation? How do evolutionary trade-offs affect the survival and regrowth dynamics of variable quiescent populations? How does quiescence influence antifungal resistance, and can different quiescence cell types exhibit bet-hedging strategies? About the Position  The successful candidate will perform experimental evolution of yeast populations under controlled starvation regimes and identify mutations driving quiescence-related adaptations using whole genome sequencing (WGS). The project will involve phenotypic characterization of quiescent cells through flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, and microfluidics techniques, alongside analyses of population-level survival, regrowth dynamics, and evolutionary trade-offs. There will be opportunities to apply mathematical modeling to investigate density-dependent effects on quiescent populations and to collaborate with international research groups for advanced microscopy and microfluidics training. The PhD student will gain extensive experience in experimental evolution, microbial phenotyping, and genomic analysis, developing a strong skill set in microbiology, evolutionary biology, and quantitative data analysis. Host Institution & Location The PhD student will be based at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland - one of the leading research institutes in Ecology and Evolution in Central Europe ( Kraków is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene (European City of Culture 2000), hosting over 100 festivals and numerous cultural events annually. The city offers modern museums, theaters, cinemas, restaurants, and excellent access to outdoor activities such as hiking and biking. It is also well-connected to other European cities. Founding & Salary The position is funded for 48 months, offering a tax-free stipend of approximately 8,000 PLN (~1,900 EUR, around 130% of the average net salary in Poland). The stipend will increase by about 40% after a successful mid-term evaluation (after the second year). To estimate living costs in Kraków, applicants can use tools such as Numbeo ( Requirements The successful candidate will hold (or expect to hold by July 2025) a Master's degree in Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Evolutionary Biology or a related field. We are looking for candidates with: -    A strong interest in microbiology, evolution and molecular biology -    Experience or interest in learning to work with microbial systems and culture techniques, and basic bioinformatics and molecular techniques -    Good analytical skills -    Fluency in English (written and spoken), good communication and organisational skills -    Open to international collaboration and research visits abroad Application Process To apply, please send: -     A cover letter explaining your background, skills, and motivation for this position -     A CV -     Contact details of at least one academic reference willing to provide a recommendation. Applications and informal inquiries should be sent to dr hab. Dominika W³och-Salamon, Prof. UJ ( Deadline & Selection Process Review of applications is ongoing. To ensure full consideration, please apply by 28th April 2025. The selected candidate will receive assistance with the formal application to the PhD school at Jagiellonian University, with entrance exams scheduled for early July 2025. The PhD position starts on 1st October 2025. We look forward to receiving your application! dr hab. Dominika W³och-Salamon prof. UJ Instytut Nauk o Œrodowisku/ Institute of Environmental Sciences Wydzia³ Biologii/Faculty of Biology Uniwersytet Jagielloñski/Jagiellonian University + 48 12 664-51-35 ul. Gronostajowa 7; 30-387 Kraków ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-1838 "Always in motion is the future." Yoda I may write email during weekends or outside work hours. In such case, do not feel obliged to reply immediately, and get back to me whenever it is convenient for you. Dominika W³och-Salamon (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to