Dear colleagues, We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to apply for a PhD position to be performed in the laboratory of Dr. Bertanne Visser (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Li�ge, Belgium) in collaboration with Dr. C�cile Le Lann and Prof. Joan van Baaren (University of Rennes, ECOBIO, France). Funding is available to pay a salary for 1 year, during which the candidate is expected to apply for grants to fund a 4-year PhD project (e.g., Fonds National de Recherche FRIA and ASP calls). The Visser laboratory works on eco-evolutionary aspects of fat metabolism in parasitoids, particularly the amber wasp Leptopilina heterotoma (see Recent findings on amber wasps revealed that fat synthesis can be switched on or completely off depending on the developmental environment. When sufficient fat can be carried over from the host, most wasps will stop synthesizing fat, but when only low quantities of fat can be obtained from the host, wasps will start synthesizing fat. During the first year of the project, the PhD student will be integrated in the laboratory to train and get experience with the model system and be part of ongoing research and experiments. Parasitoids are cornerstone species in ecological communities by regulating other insect populations. We are continuing to learn more about the intriguing fat physiology of parasitoids, but we have only little information as to how environmental changes in one generation impact future generations. Pr van Baaren and Dr Le Lann work on the effect of climate change on host-parasitoid interactions and in particular on plasticity and adaptation to temperatures. More erratic climatic conditions are becoming more prevalent and are expected to lead to indirect effects on host fat content, as well as direct effects on wasp fat metabolism (Le Lann et al., 2021). The candidate is expected to develop a research project on parental effects and transgenerational plasticity in response to reliable and unreliable variation in host fat content and temperature. The ideal candidate for this position will have a strong background in ecology and evolution, as well as an interest in physiology. The candidate will be able to obtain skills in rearing and manipulating wasps and Drosophila hosts, physiological measurements (determining fat content, stable isotope tracing and analyzing fatty acid profiles obtained with mass spectrometry), planning and designing experiments, as well as writing and presenting research findings. We will continue to review applications until the position is filled. Ideally, the candidate will start no later than 1 July 2024. Applications should be sent to Bertanne Visser ( and must include 1) a statement of interest detailing why you are interested in the topic and working in the host laboratory; 2) a full CV; 3) a list of grades obtained during the master's degree, and; 4) Contact details of at least 2 referees. Best regards, Dr. Bertanne Visser, F.R.S.-FNRS Research Associate Evolution and Ecophysiology group Scheifler Mathilde (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to