We are looking for an investigator who is using or developing bioinformatics and computational approaches to study areas of biomedical sciences that intersect with fundamental processes in biology such as (but not limited to) evolutionary genomics, molecular epidemiology, molecular microbiology and pathogen biology, systems biology, and emerging omics. The successful candidate will establish an externally funded research program comprising graduate and undergraduate students. In addition, we are interested in candidates who are using AI and machine learning in their research or may be able to integrate these themes in their upper division course. Office and dry laboratory space will be located in Bell Hall, with access to state of the art facilities for high-performance computing ( *https://hpc.gwu.edu*), the GW Computational Biology Institute (*https://cbi.gwu.edu*), the GW Genomics Core (*https://www.gwgenomics.org*), the GW Cancer Center (*https://cancercenter.gwu.edu* ), and proximity to colleagues in the Health Sciences departments at GW. Our location in Washington DC also offers access to superior undergraduate and graduate learning opportunities, potential collaborations, and expertise through relationships with nearby hospitals, the National Institutes of Health, federal agencies, and a consortium of DC-area universities. The Biology faculty and their research interests are available here: *https://biology.columbian.gwu.edu* For application details, see https://www.gwu.jobs/postings/117777. *Dr. Linyi Zhang* Assistant professor, Department of Biological Sciences George Washington University https://zhanglabgwu.weebly.com/ "Zhang, Linyi" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)