Trier University's Faculty VI: Regional and Environmental Sciences is seeking to fill the following position in the field of Plant Ecology as soon as possible on a permanent civil service basis: W3 Professorship for Plant Ecology (LBesG) (m/w/d) The person holding the position must represent the area specified above in their research and teaching. A research focus in the area of "Ecosystems in Global Change" is currently being established at Trier University. In this context, scientists are sought who have demonstrated research and teaching in the field of plant ecology. Suitable candidates shall have a strong track record in publication and research activities, teaching experience, experience in academic self-administration, and successful acquisition of third-party funding. In close cooperation with the Biological and Geoscientific subjects of Faculty VI, you would be expected to research ecological or evolutionary patterns and drivers of ecosystem change in the face of global change. The research focus should be on the ecological or evolutionary response of plants or plant communities to environmental stress. Desired research areas could, for example, be interaction ecology, stress research, community ecology, macroecology, evolutionary adaptation, phylogenomics or evolutionary ecology. Ideas for future collaboration with the German Federal Environmental Specimen Bank and for using the professorship's experimental greenhouse in research are also desirable. The teaching load in the subject of Plant Ecology will focus on the bachelor's and master's degree programs in environmental biosciences and environmental sciences, and in the teacher training programs in biology. Teaching should cover topics on plant biodiversity in the face of global change. A basic knowledge of native plant species is also desired. The official duties are detailed in Section 48, and the conditions for employment in Section 49, of the Higher Education Act. In particular, pedagogical aptitude and outstanding academic achievements must be demonstrated. Reference is made to Section 50, Paragraph 5, Sentences 5 and 6 of the Higher Education Act. The state of Rhineland-Palatinate and Trier University have a support concept that requires a high level of teacher presence on campus. The University strives to increase the number of female employees and strongly encourages women to apply. Severely disabled people and those with equivalent status according to Section 2 Paragraph 3 of the Social Code Book IX will be given priority if they are suitable (please enclose proof). We ask that you send your application documents [CV, certificates, list of publications, list of courses and teaching evaluations, the five most important publications and a research and teaching concept (maximum 2 pages each)] in digital form (in a single PDF file) to the Dean of Faculty VI of Trier University, Prof. Dr. Udelhoven (, 54286 Trier, by March 31, 2025. For questions regarding the position, please approach Prof. Dr. Henrik Krehenwinkel ( Trier University's Faculty VI: Regional and Environmental Sciences is seeking to fill the following position in the field of Microbial Ecology as soon as possible on a temporary civil service basis: W1 Professorship with Tenure Track to W2 for Microbial Ecology (LBesG) (m/w/d) If the requirements for civil service status are not met, hiring as a regular employee may be possible. The person holding the position must represent the area specified in their research and teaching. This junior professorship is aimed at young researchers in an early career phase and with exceptional potential for a further career in science. A research focus in the area of "Ecosystems in Global Change" is currently being established at Trier University. In this context, young scientists are sought who have proven themselves through research in microbial ecology and who can represent the field in its entirety. Expertise in the functional characterization of microbial communities using metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, and/or in the interaction ecology of microorganisms with animals or plants, or the evolutionary responses of microbes to environmental change are particularly desired. Your tasks include setting up a working group in the above-mentioned area. In close cooperation with the Biological and Geoscientific subjects of Faculty VI, you would be expected to research ecological or evolutionary responses of microbial communities in the face of global change. Ideas for future cooperation with the German Federal Environmental Specimen Bank are also expected. Teaching is required in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Environmental Biosciences and in the Biology Teacher Training programs. Research expertise must be demonstrated by visible publication and research activity. Teaching experience and experience in acquiring third-party funding are desirable. The official duties are detailed in Section 48, and the employment requirements in Section 54, of the Higher Education Act. In particular, pedagogical aptitude and outstanding academic achievements must be demonstrated. According to Sections 54 and 55 of the Higher Education Act, junior professorships are generally filled for a period of six years. An evaluation of the level of performance in teaching and research or art takes place after the third year of employment at the earliest, and before the end of the fourth year at the latest. Following the period of the junior professorship, a permanent transfer to the above-mentioned professorship (salary group W2 LBesG) is planned if the employee has met the criteria in accordance with the relevant university regulations (evaluation procedures) and the general employment law and personal requirements. Please refer to Section 50, Paragraph 5, Sentence 6 of the Higher Education Act. We ask that you send your application documents [CV, certificates, list of publications, list of courses and teaching evaluations, the five most important publications and a research and teaching concept (maximum 2 pages each)] in digital form (in a single PDF file) to the Dean of Faculty VI of Trier University, Prof. Dr. Udelhoven (, 54286 Trier, by March 31, 2025. For questions regarding the position, please approach Prof. Dr. Henrik Krehenwinkel ( Prof. Dr. Henrik Krehenwinkel Biogeography Trier University phone: +49-(0)651-2014911 Henrik Krehenwinkel (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to