The Kreiner lab ( and the Carley lab ( in the Department of Ecology & Evolution at the University of Chicago are looking to co-hire a lab manager/research technician in plant evolutionary genomics and ecology. Responsibilities will range from molecular work in the wet lab to plant care and phenotyping to field collections around the Midwest; this will provide a great opportunity for a graduating undergraduate or recent grad to build a broad skill set that may benefit them if they are considering graduate research in the future. The target start date is July of 2024. Full details about both positions, including instructions about how to apply, can be found here: Julia Kreiner ( and Lauren Carley ( also welcome informal inquiries via email. Dr. Julia M. Kreiner (She/Her) Incoming Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology & Evolution University of Chicago Julia Kreiner (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to