Virginia Tech is seeking applicants for seven tenure-track faculty positions associated with the Invasive Species Working Group(ISWG). These new faculty positions will be housed within several colleges and academic units across the Virginia Tech campus as part of a university-wide interdisciplinary investment (Destination Area Phase 2) to make Virginia Tech a center of excellence in the science, policy, and management of invasive species. Positions will be announced separately beginning in early 2024. For up-to-date information please frequently check our webpage -Join The Team. We are seeking individuals who possess the skills to bridge disciplinary divides, drive innovative solutions, and engage in team science to apply for the following positions (associated college homes are indicated): - Applied Economist (College of Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the Kellogg Center) - Environmental Law and Policy (College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences) - Environmental Data Scientist (College of Science) - Invasive Species Research and Extension (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) - Management Technologist (College of Natural Resources and the Environment) - Global Change Interactions Biologist (College of Natural Resources and Environment) - Invasive Plant Genomics (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Contact ISWG Director Jacob Barney ( or the ISWG website for updates. Please direct position-specific questions to the listed contact in the position advertisement. "Haak, David" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to