**ESEB Outreach Initiative Fund** The European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) welcomes applications to the ESEB Outreach Initiative Fund for projects that promote evolution-related activities. The goal of this initiative is to improve public knowledge about evolution globally. Applications for funding will be accepted for educational initiatives that promote evolution, translation of evolutionary material (books, films, and websites) intended for a general audience, public outreach seminars, public exhibitions, etc. There will be a single call per year with a total budget of 12,000 Euro. A single project can be funded with up to 4,000 Euro, but smaller projects are welcome. We are requesting a report after one year, at which time the project should be completed. Please use the ESEB application form to submit your proposal and note the word limits given herein. The form can be downloaded at the ESEB website: https://eseb.org/prizes-funding/outreach-fund/ Proposals will be accepted until *15th March 2025***and should be submitted by email to the ESEB office (Email: office@eseb.org; Subject: Outreach 2025). We will acknowledge receipt of all applications within a week. If you have not received our confirmation by then, please contact the ESEB office again! Please note that scientific meetings are not supported by ESEB Outreach Initiative funds. These fund also do not work as a mechanism for continual funding. Once the potential of a project has been demonstrated, this should be used as a basis to convince other funding sources on continuation funds. Hence, submissions by a group that has been successful in past calls may be penalized if the proposals are mere follow-ups of previous projects. The applications will be evaluated by the Outreach Initiative Committee: Florence Debarre, Chair Trine Bilde Hannah Dugdale Andy Gardner Efe Sezgin European Society for Evolutionary Biology Email: office@eseb.org Homepage: eseb.org ESEB Office (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)