Dears, we are CETAF, the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities. We are promoting the 6th edition of the CETAF E-SCoRe Award, a prize dedicated to Researchers who are basing their work on Natural History Collections. This 2025 edition is for PHD only. The prize is 1.000 euros + 1.500 for visiting and researching in the facilities of a member institution. Deadline 30.03.25. Here are all the details and the link to the application form: We would appreciate it if you can circulate it in the community, Best regards, AM Alessandro Marchi Communications Officer CETAF - CONSORTIUM OF EUROPEAN TAXONOMIC FACILITIES c/o Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences rue Vautier, 29 1000, Brussels. Belgium Alessandro Marchi (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to