The Institute of Biodiversity of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems ( calls for a postdoctoral position in environmental DNA, metabarcoding and metagenomics. Bases and information regarding this competition are available at this link as of January 2025. The submission of background information must be made through the e-mail and the deadline is March 31, 2025. The final decision regarding the award of the postdoctoral positions will be made by the Council of Principal Investigators of the ICN2021_002 project, during April 2025. Applications will be open until February 28, 2023 Feel free to distribute this announcement widely. Dr. Elie POULIN Laboratorio de Ecolog�a Molecular (LEM) Instituto Milenio Ecosistemas Ant�rticos y Subant�rticos (BASE) Instituto de Ecolog�a y Biodiversidad (IEB) Departamento de Ciencias Ecol�gicas Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile Las Palmeras 3425 CP 7800003, �u�oa, Santiago, Chile Phone:(56)-2-29787298 Elie Albert Poulin (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to