I have an open postdoc position in my lab at CREAF in Barcelona. The position is for evolutionary biologists with experience working in whole genome sequencing who have an interest in global change biology, potential rapid adaptation, and biological invasions. A description is at this url https://creaf.factorialhr.com/job_posting/postdoctoral-researcher-in-evolutionary-ecology-ref-24-010-47865-64973 The candidate will join Oriol Lapiedra's lab in the Biodiversity department at CREAF. The primary goal of our research is to shed light on how organisms adapt to rapid environmental changes with a specific focus on the role of animal behavior in this process. Our research combines approaches from behavioral ecology, evolutionary ecology, and global change biology. Ongoing research examines the ecological and evolutionary consequences of the arrival of new predators for populations of native lizards as well as for the functioning of the ecosystems they live in.The successful candidate will have experience in evolutionary ecology and/or ecological genomics. He/she will lead their own research program using already collected as well as newly collected genetic data and will participate in fieldwork campaigns in the Balearic Islands, lead lab meetings, and co-supervise Msc students. Oriol Lapiedra, PhD Severo Ochoa Senior Researcher at CREAF Ramon y Cajal Fellow National Geographic Explorer CREAF Edifici C, Campus UAB, 08193, Spain oriollapiedralab.com Oriol Lapiedra (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)