Bioinformatician Postdoc position in Plant Evolutionary Biology The Department of Botany, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, offers a two years Bioinformatician Postdoc position in Plant Evolutionary Biology. The preferred start date for this position is the 1st of January 2025 (with some flexibility). The postdoc position aims to unravel the consequences of whole genome multiplication (WGM), i.e. polyploidisation, on genomic traits that alter the reproductive strategies of autopolyploid plants and determine their evolutionary trajectory. The postdoc position is part of a project funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GA??R) and led by Patrik Mr??z (Department of Botany) with the participation of experts in plant physiology, embryology and bioinformatics. Polyploidisation is a key evolutionary mechanism that can lead to instantaneous multiple changes manifested at different structural, developmental and functional levels, from genes to phenotypic traits. Despite the widespread occurrence of polyploidy in vascular plants, we still know little about the direct phenotypic effects of WGM, the underlying physiological and transcriptomic patterns, and the fitness consequences. We will use Pilosella rhodopea (Asteraceae, Compositae), a species that forms the largest primary contact zone of diploids and recurrent autopolyploids ever recorded in angiosperms. Although WGM severely disrupts sexual reproduction in autopolyploids, it enhances vegetative reproduction both quantitatively and qualitatively to such an extent that it literally changes the game by allowing autopolyploids to successfully establish and persist, with putative strong effects on their spatial clonal structure and ramet age. The successful candidate will investigate (i) the impact of WGM on transriptomic profiles in diploid and autotri- and autotetrapolyploids, with aspecial emphasize on two newly expressed clonal traits - root sprout buds and aposporic initials, and (ii) phylogenetic relationships and genetic structure of the Pilosella alpicola group. Profile & Qualifications Highly motivated applicants with excellent communication and demonstrable writing skills, and a strong interest in evolutionary biology should hold PhD in Bioinformatics or Biology. Previous experience and proven skills with analyses of genomic / transcriptomic data is a requirement. Funding Accepted applicant will be supported by the project from the Czech Science Foundation for two years (2025-2026) with a50,000 CZK / month gross salary (~ 2,000 EUR, depending on the current rate). How to apply Please send your motivation letter including your CV and contact details of two referees as a single pdf file by e-mail to Patrik Mr??z, before the 15th of October 2024. For further information please write to: Patrik Mr??z Herbarium PRC & Department of Botany Charles University,Faculty of Science Ben??tsk?? 2, 128 00 Praha 2 CZECHIA Tel.: +420 221 95 1642 Patrik Mr??z (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to