Hello EvolDir Community! PHILOSOPHY Our philosophy is to train participants in the most relevant topics in genomics, in a vibrant, immersive and inclusive environment. The Workshop on Genomics was developed in response to the increasing demand for training on how to effectively analyse and manage data generated by modern sequencing technologies. The Workshop curriculum includes extensive coverage of fundamental techniques required of all studies utilising modern sequencing data. This is the 14th time the Workshop on Genomics will be held in the Czech Republic. APPLICATION The Workshop on Genomics 2025 is now open for Applications! Deadline is 18th September 2024. https://evomics.org/registration-form/apply-2025-workshop-on-genomics-cesky-krumlov/ DATES The workshop will be held from the 5 - 18th January, 2025 in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. The workshop runs daily from 9 to 22 for two weeks, with Sunday kept free for town activities. PROGRAM The 2025 program can be found here: https://evomics.org/2025-workshop-on-genomics/ and includes all things genomics, from UNIX and R, genome assembly and annotation, SNP and SV calling, pangenomics, population genomics, transcriptomics and RNAseq gene expression analysis, comparative genomics, microbiome analysis, transposable element analysis and BIG data. WHO WE ARE Organisers: we are a friendly and approachable group of scientists working in diverse fields of genomics. Every year we gather a group of experts in genomics from across the world to come and teach genomics in the beautiful Czech Republic. Our workshop team this year includes: Mike Zody (New York Genome Centre), Guy Leonard (University of Oxford), Mercè Montoliu Nerín (Uppsala University), Rayan Chikhi (Institut Pasteur), Camille Marchet (University of Lille), Antoine Limasset (University of Lille), Katharina Hoff (University of Greifsald), Fritz Sedlazeck (Baylor College of Medicine), Erik Garrison (University of Tennessee), Chris Wheat (Stockholm University), Evan Eichler (University of Washington), Vincenza Colonna (IGB-CNR, Naples / University of Tennessee), Brian Haas (Broad Institute), Rachel Steward (Lund University), Sonya Dyhrman (Columbia University), Francesco Cicconardi (University of Bristol), David Barnett (Maasricht University), Marcela Uliano-Silva (Wellcome Sanger Institute), Valentina Peona (Swedish Natural Museum / Swiss Vogelwarte, and Dag Ahrén (Lund University). COST The Workshop registration fee is $1,950. Note that this amount does not cover travel, lodging or boarding. Please note that we also have Equal Opportunities funding available for participants travelling from low / middle-low income countries. Please see https://evomics.org/bursaries/ for more information. FAQs https://evomics.org/workshops/faq/ Any further questions or queries should be directed to evomics.workshops@gmail.com We're very much looking forward to meeting you in (a hopefully snowy!) Cesky Krumlov in January, The Workshop on Genomics 2025 Team :) Josephine Paris Rayan Chikhi Joan Ferrer Obiol Guy Leonard Mercè Montoliu Nerín Daniel Kintzl Scott Handley Josie Paris (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to golding@mcmaster.ca)