Dear all, We are excited to announce our upcoming online course, Comparative Genomics, taking place from April 7-11. This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to structural variations (SVs), single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and comparative genomics, covering key analysis workflows from genome assembly and variant identification to assessing their evolutionary impact. Course website: ( ) Through a mix of lectures and hands-on exercises, participants will gain practical experience with state-of-the-art tools for genome comparison, SVs and SNVs detection, and annotation. LEARNING OUTCOMES Identification of SNPs and SVs using de novo genome assembly and read mapping strategies Assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the different DNA sequencing technologies, Illumina, Pacific Bioscience, Oxford Nanopore, for the detection of variations Strengths and pitfalls of de novo assembly and mapping approaches for comparative genomics Hands on experience of state of the art methods to compare multiple genomes Annotation of variations and comparative genomics analysis Familiarity with biological sequence analysis in an evolutionary context For the full list of our courses and workshops, please visit: ( ) Best regards, Carlo Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D Physalia-courses DIRECTOR mobile: +49 17645230846 ( ) "" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to