Dear all, we have the last 3 seats available on our online course "Metabarcoding in Microbial Ecology". Dates: February, 3rd-7th Course website: ( ) This course will introduce metabarcoding techniques in microbial ecology. It covers topics like processing next-generation sequencing data and key methods in multivariate statistics. Through a mix of lectures and hands-on exercises, participants will learn the main steps of a metabarcoding study, from analyzing raw sequencing data to performing statistical evaluations. By the end of the course, participants will understand the strengths and limitations of metabarcoding and be able to analyze their own datasets to answer research questions. If you are specifically interested in multivariate data analysis in R using the R package vegan, we have also a specific course on that in February: ( ) For the full list of our courses and workshops, please visit: ( ) Best regards, Carlo Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D Physalia-courses DIRECTOR mobile: +49 17645230846 "" (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to