ONLINE COURSE - Introduction to Metabarcoding and Metagenomics Analysis (IMAM01) This course will be delivered live Instructor- Edinburgh Genomics 7th - 10th October 2024 Please feel free to share! COURSE OVERVIEW-Metabarcoding and metagenomics study genetic material recovered from environmental samples. Both methods provide a comprehensive view of microbial communities which are present in various ecosystems. The ability to identify organisms from traces of genetic material in environmental samples has reshaped the way we see life on earth. Especially for microorganisms, metagenomic techniques have granted us unprecedented insight into the microbiome of animals and the environment more broadly Metabarcoding and metagenomics are both methods to study the composition of these complex communities. Where metabarcoding focusses on looking at a single or a combination of marker genes, metagenomics looks into everything within a community. During this course we will look at the differences and similarities between these two methods. We explain how to process the data using both short and long reads data, we take a look at the pros and cons and some of the pitfalls. We will guide you through the different approaches to take when processing the data and walk you through using some of the tools which are considered to be golden standard in the field. You will have hands on experience processing real data. By the end of the course, participants should: - Understand the basic concepts behind metabarcoding and metagenomics - Work with both short and long read data for both metabarcoding and metagenomics - Be able to use Qiime2 and NanoClust for analysis of metabarcoding - Know different methods (metaphlan, humann) for marker based taxonomic and functional annotation of metagenomics data - Create and annotated metagenome assembled genomes (using megahit, checkm, gtdb-tk) - Be able to annotated antibiotic resistance genes in metagenomics data Please email with any questions. A full list of our live courses can be found here Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats Oliver Hooker (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to ----- ONLINE COURSE 'Metabarcoding Pipelines for Eukariotic Communities Instructor-Dr. Adri� Antich 21st - 25th October 2024 Please feel free to share! COURSE OVERVIEW - Metabarcoding has emerged as a pivotal technique, rapidly expanding and revolutionizing the way we study biodiversity. From soil samples to aquatic environments, metabarcoding provides insights into the diverse array of organisms present, offering crucial information for conservation efforts and ecological research. However, metabarcoding encounters intrinsic biases inherent in its methodology. Metabarcoding pipelines are designed to mitigate these biases, and this course will offer insights into optimizing these pipelines for accurate and reliable results. With new techniques continuously evolving, we'll explore methodologies geared towards unraveling both inter and intra-species diversity while addressing the common challenges encountered in a methodology. Additionally, we'll navigate the landscape of methods enabling comprehensive biodiversity assessments, alongside showcasing new machine learning approaches for inferring ecological quality status. This course will focus on the MJOLNIR3 pipeline and its theoretical framework. This R package is based on eight simple functions divided into four different blocks. For each function, a comprehensive description of the process will be provided, including alternatives from other pipelines and their basic command line usage. By the end of the course, participants will: - Gain a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations underpinning metabarcoding pipelines. - Develop the ability to identify potential biases and effectively apply specialized software to mitigate them. - Acquire proficiency in working across three distinct levels of coding requirements, encompassing command-line operations and graphical user interface packages. - Demonstrate a thorough comprehension of basic biodiversity analysis techniques, spanning inter and intra-species levels. Please email with any questions. A full list of our live courses can be found here Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats