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"Evolution Directory"


Girl discovers dinosaur footprints on beach walk

Experts think 10-year-old Tegan uncovered prints of a huge herbivore from the late triassic period.

From the BBC News-2024-8-16:20:6:1

Scientists believe they now know where the dinosaur-killing asteroid came from

Roughly 66 million years ago, a huge object slammed into Earth, causing a mass extinction. Now, a group of scientists believes they've figured out what it was - and where it came from.

From the CBC News-2024-8-15:20:6:1

Rare fossil specimen offers evidence of social behaviour among ancient snakes

Almost 50 years ago, paleontologists found 'four beautiful, articulated little fossil snakes' in Wyoming. A new study, which is the first scientific paper to fully describe this find, claims it demonstrates social behaviour among ancient snakes.

From the CBC News-2024-8-12:14:6:1

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The EvolDir is directed toward evolutionary biologists, population biologists and scientists in related areas.

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Cultural Evolution, Society, Technology, Language, and Religion, edited by Peter J. Richerson and Morten H. Christiansen, from MIT Press. (Aug 31).

In Search of Human Evolution Field Research in Diverse Environments, Author Michael H. Crawford, Oxford University Press. (Aug 24).

Computational Thinking for Life Scientists, by Benny Chor, Amir Rubinstein, from Cambridge University Press. (Aug 17).

Statistical Analysis of Molecular and Genomic Evolution, by Xun Gu, from Oxford University Press. (Aug 10).

Integer Linear Programming in Computational and Systems Biology, An Entry-Level Text and Course, by Dan Gusfield, from Cambridge University Press. (Aug 3).

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