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"Evolution Directory"


NHS gene check is helping children with cancer

Whole-genome sequencing enables doctors to quickly decide what medicines will work best.

From the BBC News-2024-7-2:8:5:1

Check out the elephants at risk of extinction, and the wild cats that are bouncing back

Over 45,000 species are now threatened with extinction - 1,000 more than last year - according to an international conservation organization that blames pressures from climate change, invasive species and human activity such as illicit trade and infrastructural expansion.

From the CBC News-2024-6-27:14:6:1

Scientists closing in on why some people never get COVID. That could help with future vaccines

Scientists describe high activity of a specific gene in volunteers who didn't get infected when exposed to COVID-19 on purpose. They hope better understanding early immune responses could help develop nasal spray forms of vaccines for the coronavirus.

From the CBC News-2024-6-27:8:5:2

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The EvolDir is directed toward evolutionary biologists, population biologists and scientists in related areas.

Reminder: the preferred use of EvolDir is for bulletins not discussions (for the latter see the USENET/Google groups).

Scientific Reports is seeking submissions for a special collection on the topic of Microbial Ecology and Phylogeny. Submission deadline Aug 28. (Jun 27).

Special Issue Diversity-dependence of dispersal, ed by D. Bonte, E. Fronhofer and S. Keith. Access at https://www.bit.ly/PTB1907. (Jun 25).

Special Issue of Conservation Genetics, advancing the landscape of conservation genetics. (Jun 24).

Evolution and Development Conceptual Issues, by Alan C. Love, from Cambridge University Press. (Jun 22).

Progress Unchained Ideas of Evolution, Human History and the Future, by Peter J. Bowler, from Cambridge University Press. (Jun 15).

Experimental Evolution and the Nature of Biodiversity, Second Edition, by Rees Kassen, from Oxford University Press. (Jun 8).

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Files added in the last three days:

PNAS_121_27_TueJul02.html                               397907 bytes     Jul  2 16:01
Trends_in_Ecology_Evolution:_July_2024_39:7              60400 bytes     Jul  2 13:07
PLoSCompBio_20(06):TueJul02.html                        103466 bytes     Jul  2 10:36
GenomeRes_TueJul02.html                                  67864 bytes     Jul  2 10:36
Bioinformatics_June_2024_40:6                           193275 bytes     Jul  1 16:01

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Articles added in the last three days:

Jul 2 08:00Patterns of genetic diversity and gene flow associated with an aridity gradient in populations of common mole-rats, Cryptomys hottentotus hottentotus - (GBE)
Jul 1 16:00Rewinding the ratchet: rare recombination locally rescues neo-W degeneration and generates plateaus of sex-chromosome divergence - (MBE)
Jul 1 08:00Duplications and retrogenes are numerous and widespread in modern canine genomic assemblies - (GBE)

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last.day                3 KB        Jul  1 08:54
last.day-1             23 KB        Jun 29 07:25
last.day-2             17 KB        Jun 27 08:55
Mnth_Review.pdf       549 KB        Jul  1 00:25
Mnth_Review-1.pdf     549 KB        Jun  1 00:25
Mnth_Review-2.pdf     634 KB        May  1 00:25

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This site is managed by Brian Golding. If you feel that you have something of interest to other evolutionary biologists please send me e-mail and I will put it on these pages. These pages are for evolutionary biologists (population genetics, and related fields). If there is a message that seems too distant to these purposes, it will be deleted or worse, edited at my discretion to read "the evolution of ...".

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