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"Evolution Directory"


Genetic ghosts suggest Covid's market origins

A team of scientists say it is "beyond reasonable doubt" the Covid pandemic started with infected animals.

From the BBC News-2024-9-19:14:6:1

MUN scientists' discovery of 570-million-year-old fossil provides a glimpse of jellyfish history

Two Memorial University earth scientists have discovered a 570-million-year-old fossil that is the planet's earliest known evidence of muscle tissue and offers insight into the history of jellyfish around Newfoundland and Labrador.

From the CBC News-2024-9-18:14:6:1

Trove of dinosaur fossils found high in B.C. mountains

It's unclear exactly what species the fossils belong to, but officials say that either way, a discovery like this one helps scientists better understand the history of the land. 

From the CBC News-2024-9-17:20:6:1

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The EvolDir is directed toward evolutionary biologists, population biologists and scientists in related areas.

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Darwin Mythology Debunking Myths, Correcting Falsehoods, Edited by Kostas Kampourakis, from Cambridge University Press. (Sep 14).

Special Issue of Evolutionary Applications on "Genomic Assessment of Adaptive Potential". Call for contributions. (Sep 10).

The Evolution of Sex Strategies of Males and Females, Kevin Lee Teather, from Oxford University Press. (Sep 7).

Cultural Evolution, Society, Technology, Language, and Religion, edited by Peter J. Richerson and Morten H. Christiansen, from MIT Press. (Aug 31).

In Search of Human Evolution Field Research in Diverse Environments, Author Michael H. Crawford, Oxford University Press. (Aug 24).

Computational Thinking for Life Scientists, by Benny Chor, Amir Rubinstein, from Cambridge University Press. (Aug 17).

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Nature_WedSep18.html                                   318821 bytes     Sep 18 14:36
PNAS_121_38_TueSep17.html                              298832 bytes     Sep 17 16:01

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Articles added in the last three days:

Sep 19 08:00Structural and Evolutionary Analysis of Proteins Endowed with a Nucleotidyltransferase, or Non-canonical Palm, Catalytic Domain - Rodrigo Jácome (JME)
Sep 18 16:00Bursts of rapid diversification, dispersals out of southern Africa, and two origins of dioecy punctuate the evolution of Asparagus - (GBE)
Sep 17 16:00Functional characterization supports multiple evolutionary origins of pheromone receptors in bark beetles - (MBE)
Sep 17 16:00Genomic Signatures of Domestication in a Fungus Obligately Farmed by Leafcutter Ants - (MBE)
Sep 17 12:00HaploSweep: detecting and distinguishing recent soft and hard selective sweeps through haplotype structure - (MBE)
Sep 17 12:00Whole genomes inform genetic rescue strategy for montane red foxes in North America - (MBE)

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Mnth_Review-1.pdf     457 KB        Aug  1 00:25
Mnth_Review-2.pdf     549 KB        Jul  1 00:25

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