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"Evolution Directory"


Biodiversity is a lot like Jenga, says Canadian artist behind COP16 installation

Benjamin Von Wong is the artist behind Biodiversity Jenga, a six-metre-tall art installation currently looming over COP16, the United Nations biodiversity conference, in Cali, Colombia.

From the CBC News-2024-10-25:8:5:1

Meteorite that hit Earth 3 billion years ago dwarfed rock that caused dinosaur extinction: study

The S2 meterorite, which hit the planet just over 3 billion years ago, dwarfed the one that caused the dinosaurs' extinction, according to a new study.

From the CBC News-2024-10-23:8:5:1

What is biodiversity and how can we protect it?

Colombia is hosting talks to assess global progress in protecting 30% of all land and water by 2030.

From the BBC News-2024-10-21:8:5:1

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The EvolDir is directed toward evolutionary biologists, population biologists and scientists in related areas.

Reminder: the preferred use of EvolDir is for bulletins not discussions.

Special Issue from Heredity on structural variation. Call for papers. (Oct 24).

Free issues from the Royal Society. (Oct 22).

The Journal of Molecular Evolution is a hybrid journal and you can still publish your work there for free under the traditional model. And we want your submissions! D. Liberles, Editor-in-Chief (Oct 19).

Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour, Third Edition, by Gillian R. Brown and Kevin N. Lala, from Oxford University Press. (Oct 19).

Proceedings B of the Royal Society has recently published a new Special Feature - The resolution of evolutionary conflicts within species - guest edited by J.A. Ă…gren, G. Arnqvist and L. Rowe. The articles are FREELY available at https://bit.ly/RSPBEVOCON (Oct 8).

Plant Survey from Universite Paris Cite. (Oct 7).

Symbiosis A Very Short Introduction, Nancy A. Moran, from Oxford University Press. (Oct 5).

Pathless Forest, by Chris Thorogood, from Penguin Books. (Sep 28).

New Journal on Disease, Biology, Genetics and Socioecology to bring evolutionary genetics into medical research. (Sep 26).

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SystBiol_73_4_FriOct25.html                        96070 bytes     Oct 25 14:36
Science_386:6720_FriOct25.html                    180001 bytes     Oct 25 07:07
Nature_WedOct23.html                              310634 bytes     Oct 23 14:36

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Articles added in the last three days:

Oct 24 16:00Genomic localization bias of secondary metabolite gene clusters and association with histone modifications in Aspergillus - (GBE)
Oct 24 16:00Genomic and Acoustic Biogeography of the Iconic Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo Clarifies Species Limits and Patterns of Intraspecific Diversity - (MBE)
Oct 24 08:00Genomes of Microtus rodents highlight the importance of olfactory and immune systems in their fast radiation - (GBE)

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This site is managed by Brian Golding. If you feel that you have something of interest to other evolutionary biologists please send me e-mail and I will put it on these pages. These pages are for evolutionary biologists (population genetics, and related fields). If there is a message that seems too distant to these purposes, it will be deleted or worse, edited at my discretion to read "the evolution of ...".

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